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Answers to Often Asked Questions -- Liberty Legal Foundation, Attorney Van Irion

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  • Answers to Often Asked Questions -- Liberty Legal Foundation, Attorney Van Irion

    Answers to Often Asked Questions

    Liberty Legal Foundation

    Van Irion, Esq.


    "Liberty Legal Foundation receives a great deal of email with good questions and we would like to share some of those answers with you. What follows are the most frequently asked questions and their answers.

    1. Is Rubio eligible to be the Republican Vice Presidential pick?

    A: No. Any candidate for VP must also be eligible for the Presidency because they may need to serve in the capacity at a moments notice. The parents of VP and Presidential candidates must have been citizens at the time of the candidate’s birth. Rubio parents were not naturalized until after his birth. If you are concerned that the Republican Party may select an ineligible candidate, let them know today how you feel.

    2. Now that the Supreme Court ruled the individual mandate unconstitutional under the commerce clause, how does that affect our efforts to roll back Wickard?

    A: Unfortunately, the horrible ruling from the Roberts Court hurts our cause. The language from the court regarding the commerce clause established a “boundary” on the clause without returning that boundary to where it should be. By creating an activity versus non-activity test, we now have a very weak test that can be avoided by future congresses.

    3. Is it possible to overcome Obamacare by challenging the “direct tax” limitation put forth by Roberts?

    A: Finding that Obamacare is a tax opens the door to defeating the law on that basis. Since our Obamacare Class Action is still active in the Texas District Court, we will be raising the direct tax issue in our lawsuit.

    4. Does Natural Born Citizen mean being born in the United States?

    A: No, if that were true, we would not have required the 14th Amendment to define such citizens. Natural Born Citizen refers only to citizens that were born in their country of origin AND that their parents were citizens of that country of origin at the time of the person’s birth. Those who say otherwise are either intentionally trying to mislead or are ignorant of the different types of citizenship.


    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman