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Free Barack: Elect Romney -- American Thinker, Clarice Feldman

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  • Free Barack: Elect Romney -- American Thinker, Clarice Feldman

    Free Barack: Elect Romney

    American Thinker

    Clarice Feldman


    "It is increasingly obvious that Obama wants to get out of the White House, not just to take vacations, visit Letterman, and go golfing, but to be free of the responsibilities of the office of President itself, and those horrid media types are doing everything in their power to make him stay where he is. It's time to free Barack.

    This week for the very first time, Obama got free of the phalanx of media guards -- the gang Dorothy Rabinowitz of the Wall Street Journal, calls " Pack Journalism" and faced actual questioning on Univision, instead of the yentas on The View, Entertainment Tonight, "Pimp With the Limp" and such, and he made clear what I've suspected for a long time: He wants out of the Presidency. Yes, you heard me -- he wants O.U.T.

    "The most important lesson I've learned is that you can't change Washington from the inside." So said the Man whose 2008 campaign theme was "Hope and Change." "You can only change it from the outside."

    There's plenty of evidence that his passive aggression is behind much of his failure in office. How else to explain things like turning over his signature legislation, Obamacare, to Reid and Pelosi, refusing to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu in favor or a joke fest on Letterman where he claims not to even know the extent of the national debt? Going off to a fundraiser in Vegas as our embassies burn and a dead or dying Ambassador is being hauled through the streets of Benghazi?

    Did he assume he was invulnerable to the wrath of Univision viewers? Did he assume they didn't care that14 high officials were behind the ludicrously planned and operated Fast & Furious which resulted in the murder of hundreds of Mexicans and that undoubtedly Holder and Obama would themselves be implicated had they not withheld evidence from investigators? He is resisting our demands that he adequately perform the job of the Chief Executive, dodging all responsibility, blaming others for his failures. In short, he is intentionally refusing to perform his job.

    Personally, I am not sure he ever was even minimally suited for the job. Many, with good reason, argue that he never was. Here's Kevin DuJann of HillBuzz on that point:

    The reality is that 2008 was a massive fluke and was powered largely by raw emotion: Americans thought it was time to "make history" and elect a magical black man to be President because they thought the color of this guy's skin was going to "change the world". Well, they were right about that...but in a very Twilight Zone kind of way people were not at all careful with what they wished for and the change that resulted over the last four years isn't what they wanted.

    Record unemployment, with between 25-30 million Americans either out of work or underemployed. $16 Trillion in national debt (and exploding with more daily). Islamic radicals conquering the Middle East, raping and murdering male ambassadors, and the White House ignoring clear security warnings and even considering releasing the "Blind Sheik" 1993 World Trade Center bomber. Obama's watching the world burn and is enjoying it. Meanwhile, Obamacare's terrified small businesses, forced many of them to shutter, and has frozen most hiring. We're in an economic Depression caused by the wasteful 2009 "stimulus" (that went mostly into union coffers) and the uncertainty and zealous regulations of Obamacare.

    People know Obama has failed and made a giant mess in Washington. Many are still uncomfortable admitting the first black man in the job was not as magical as they thought he'd be. These people not only won't turn out for him in numbers he needs them to in November, but here in Chicago at least they have no interest at all in physically accosting, screaming at, or otherwise trying to bully anyone who doesn't support Obama.

    Reports are surfacing suggesting, indeed, there are plans afoot for one of his most generous sponsors, Penny Pritzker, to buy him a mansion in Hawaii to which the family can retire in January,

    So, you might ask? Why didn't he just throw in the towel and head off to the links in Oahu before the nomination and campaign? I can't be sure of course, but a key reason it seems to me is that the pack journalists keep smothering his cries for help (mistakes and disengagement) and won't let him out."


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    B. Steadman