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Vote Your Values — and Bank Account -- Newsmax, Dr. Alveda King

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  • Vote Your Values — and Bank Account -- Newsmax, Dr. Alveda King

    Vote Your Values — and Bank Account


    Alveda King


    "Many would agree that voting is a civil right. Some would go a step further and make the case that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a lot easier to attain if we have the resources to follow our desires.

    What seems odd is that for many — if not most — Americans the economy tops the short list of concerns, yet most people do not seem to be connecting the dots between prosperity and moral values.

    Voting with your morals could pay off in the long run. It’s also a good way to compare the political platforms of the parties.

    Let’s look at the striking difference between the Republican and Democratic platforms:

    Democratic Platform:

    • Robs Social Security of future contributors by supporting abortion.
    • Includes welfare handouts without providing America’s needy with a work ethic or the dignity of contributing to the society that serves them.
    • Promotes casual sex with harmful chemical and surgical solutions to consequences.
    • Penalizes companies that support Bible-based values.
    • Promotes an unequal distribution of wealth.
    • Punishes people for considering moral consequences, while rewarding harmful behaviors

    Republican Platform (and others like the New Independent Christian Party):

    • Supports life with dignity from conception through natural death.
    • Recognizes traditional marriage as being between a man and woman.
    • Promotes healthy families by allowing human beings to be conceived, born with dignity and live healthy lives as contributors to a growing society which in turn serves them.
    • Advocates sexual responsibility with financial, emotional, physical, and spiritual consequences.
    • Seeks to empower Americans with fair taxation, a strong work ethic, and religious freedom that allows employees to express their values openly and freely.

    It’s empowering to vote with our values — and wallets. Such an approach will ultimately reward our fellow citizens for restraint and promote a stronger nation in the long run.

    Staying home on Election Day is never an option. People died so that all Americans can exercise their civil right to vote. It should also be a moral obligation for every American who loves their country."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman