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Skirting Obama booby traps on the march of the last mile -- Canada Free Press

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  • Skirting Obama booby traps on the march of the last mile -- Canada Free Press

    Skirting Obama booby traps on the march of the last mile

    Canada Free Press

    Judi McLeod


    "It’s the last mile to America’s most crucial election, and the pathway is strewn with Obama booby traps.

    Path trodders avoid all bumps in the road and stay on track!

    Walk straight, walk tall and don’t let anybody stop you from what you know you have to do.

    Thirty-nine days away and manufactured distractions are coming at you from every which way.

    Obama who has thrown and is throwing a thousand and one atrocities at the American public, will do no worse today than he’s done yesterday and all along.

    Like the Big Marxist Lie, the die has already been cast. Everything that had to be said has already been said and has been recycled by a fraudulent mainstream media. Folks already know for whom they are going to vote, in fact some have already cast their votes.

    Upcoming presidential debates won’t change anything, even though ego-driven mainstream media hosts will try to make you believe otherwise. For all but the wishy-washy, minds have already been made up.

    The only thing left is not allowing anything or anybody stop you from getting out and casting your vote, one of the few freedoms still standing after four years of Barack Hussein Obama.

    Don’t allow the news of the day depress you. It is part of the plan to demoralize you. Don’t get waylaid along the way by those hanging on to their free telephone like it is a lifeline. Don’t look behind you; don’t look away, don’t lose your focus. Keep a mental picture of your children and grandchildren in mind between now and whenever you get to exercise your vote.

    On the way to the voting booth, you’ve being pummeled with faux poll results. The truth about the polls—they’re skewed—is the same truth about the presidential election. It’s not just another election, it is in fact the end of the line if the activist president who wants to fundamentally transform America gets four more years to continue his evil and deliberate mission.

    Like the propaganda dished out daily by the mainstream media, the skewed polls serve only Obama and Obama election team strategy.

    They create the perception that only Obama is in the presidential race; that only Obama can win.

    Skewed polls aim to demoralize Americans seeking deliverance from Obama’s Marxist misery.

    They bring on a call from the other side that Romney will win in a landslide. This leaves the false and deadly perception that Romney doesn’t need your vote on Election Day, as he is going to win anyway.

    But perhaps most cunning of all, dissemination of the skewed polls is a concerted effort to make a soft landing for what they think is a coming Obama landslide.

    Before shock on the outcome of an election with Obama winning by a wide margin can take hold, the Democrats and the media will be reminding you that this was long coming, “You could have seen it in the polls”.

    Though America seems in a trance walking dutifully toward its carefully crafted Obama-planned death, the outcome of the poll that matters is not, and was never inevitable.

    That’s because the poll that matters most is the one they count up when polls close on Election Night.

    To get there from here, discount all the white noise created by the talking heads. They know no more than you do. They just have the byline, the mic and the television camera.

    Frustration among the masses is at an all time high.

    Let the need for survival trump frustration."

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman