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It's Over -- American Thinker, William L. Gensert

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  • It's Over -- American Thinker, William L. Gensert

    It's Over

    American Thinker

    William L. Gensert


    "Give up -- Barack Obama has won. With the election only weeks away, it is clear from recent swing state polling that Mitt Romney has lost this election. According to the Quinnipiac numbers, in the battleground states of Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania, the president is ahead by 10%, 9% and 12%, respectively.

    Romney can't win. Just ask any journalist or newscaster. He is toast -- stick a fork in him.


    If anything, the closer we get to Election Day, the more apparent it is that Obama is not only losing, but losing big. The Obama campaign, and by "campaign" I mean members of the media and polling organizations, is trying to convince prospective Romney voters to believe that all is lost -- in which case, they hope, we will stay home.

    But just because they say so, that doesn't make it true.

    Everyone knew from the outset that Obama, with his sad record of continuous failure on almost every front, was going to air out his inner bitterness and envy, and campaign negatively. But did anyone suspect that his sole hope for victory would rest on trying to suppress the vote of his opponent with naked media bias and polling -- most of which assumes a higher Democrat turnout than in 2008, when the electorate, many Republicans included, swallowed whole Obama's vision of "hope and change"?

    Well, three and a half years later, the digestion of that particular meal has given America and Americans an ulcer -- a bleeding ulcer. I can attest to that -- every time I see the man or hear him speak, it makes me sick to my stomach.

    It is ludicrous to maintain that Obama, a curiously small giant of humanity, is ahead anywhere in this nation by 10%. The recent meme of the inevitability of Barack Obama is merely the delusional desperation of sycophantic minions. What else do they have? What else can they say?

    The polls allege Obama is ahead by 10% in Ohio (or should I use the Hawaiian spelling, "Oiho") -- a mining state -- where part of the economy depends on King Coal and the money it brings in. This is the man who, through his agents at the EPA, has singlehandedly destroyed the coal industry in America.

    He is said to be ahead by 12% in Pennsylvania -- also a mining state, and home of the Marcellus Shale natural gas field. Yet even the uninformed know that under Barack Obama there will be no drilling for oil, mining coal, or building nuclear power plants. And probably in a second term, the EPA will shut down fracking, which means no natural gas either.

    Yeah...he's way ahead.

    In Florida, he is leading by 9%. It is beyond belief that the state, with its large population of seniors and Jews, is going to vote overwhelmingly for the man whose signature legislation, ObamaCare, decimates Medicare and who has marginalized and insulted Israel repeatedly during his entire term. Remember, he had time for Whoopi, but not for Netanyahu.

    And let's not forget that Florida is a state with no state income tax. In fact, many people move there for that reason -- how do you think they got Lebron? Yet we are supposed to believe they will vote for the man who gave us 20 new taxes through Obamacare and plans to raise taxes all around? And if you don't think his proposed one-year extension for most of the Bush tax cuts, set to expire January 1, 2013, is not a plan to let all tax rates rise a year later, you haven't been paying attention.

    Yeah...he's going to win big there.

    The truth is plain to see. Obama is not going to pick up any new voters with his record of economic destruction and the misery he has foisted upon the electorate. He will bleed support as his base withers away in the harsh glare of the Obama reality.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman