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Crazy Biden Mine Field -- Lame Cherry

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  • Crazy Biden Mine Field -- Lame Cherry

    Crazy Biden Mine Field

    Lame Cherry



    There is an adage in war that you can win a battle, but lose a war.

    When Joe Biden was sent out to be rude, badger and try to bully Paul Ryan in their debate to rescue "black man" Obama, it fed the bulldog raw meat as this blog said immediately, but it did not give he undecideds what they wanted in getting along and civility.

    So the liberal were fed and think they won, when the reality is, Joe Biden lost the population he should have been speaking to.

    This is who Obama was trying to be nice to in the first debate. He had been through espionage led to believe Mitt Romney was going to be a Joe Biden character, but was surprised by a brilliant counter intelligence operation by the Romney camp.

    What no one has quite figured out yet, so is another exclusive here this Friday as this posts on Saturday, is the mine field B. Hussein has now been led into by Joe Biden.

    Biden the white guy gave the liberal the bully they wanted. This turns off that 10 percent in the middle completely. If Obama attempts this trash talk, smirking, A Hole performance to be in the town hall debate, the audience is going to be repulsed by it as he will be sitting in their lap.

    If he does not dominate, he will offend his base again as a lazy nig.

    If he attempts to dominate, he will seem unfair to that audience.

    That is the mine field in this. Obama is in a position of calling of the Ghost of Debate past if he repeats or does not dominate, but if he dominates, he will be Joe Biden who turns off the voting block who he desperately now needs.

    Granted Mitt Romney is going to have to do twice as well as a white guy, as that is what the liberals will demand. In that, Romney will be like Paul Ryan having to debate Obama, the liberal skirt holding up Obama and no doubt the Obama invested, dope smoking, maggot infested plants who always are seeded into these events with prepared questions of like, "Why do you hate black people?"

    Frankly, Obama is in the White House. He is responsible and it is his record as in the first debate which is the one being judged. At this moment, the voters are looking at romney who is proven a winner and looking Presidential. Obama who is proven a failure and looking weak.

    Biden who is looking like the deranged bull. Ryan looking like the adult who is able with class to deal with a deranged bull.

    That is not a great position to be in, in being defined in a political match where people are cementing their voting positions, with the bias of a Super Depression Obama deepened and they are being eaten at the gas pump daily as the Middle East blows up.

    Communist China states it will have over 7% growth and no recession for 2013. The Chicoms actually are better economist than Harvard Obama, and Obama worships their system......and his "growth" is barely 1% after all his "will not rest" vacationing.

    What the reality is, is Mitt Romney only has to build on his work in being one on one with an audience in interacting in showing he cares about them. Romney for his lack of comfort around people, does have that ability to connect with people in his pleasant smile. Obama in his gangling and big ear look, has a great handicap in this.

    Connection is the key, and once again if the liberal skirt and Obama appear bullying rude, as Biden has laid this out for Obama to perform at, Romney gains in that center vote.

    If Obama appears passive, he deflates his base which will not vote for him.

    In reality, this is now Mitt Romney's election to lose in the literal populace......the Scytl vote flipping is another issue, but the reality is Mitt Romney will only gain as Presidential looking in standing with Obama, and as long Romney does not fumble something badly, he will win the second debate no matter what Obama does.

    Obama needs a win. He can not draw or he loses and if he does a Biden bully or an Obama lazy, he will be looking at a 15% Romney lead going out of this poll, that no October Surprise can ever overcome.

    Obama is damned if he does and damned if he does not now. Biden was a crazy mine field and thee absolute last thing Obama needed was what Biden did, even if the shortsighted thought it was a win.


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    B. Steadman