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Obama's Family Funding Sharia -- The American Spectator, Jeffrey Lord

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  • Obama's Family Funding Sharia -- The American Spectator, Jeffrey Lord

    Obama's Family Funding Sharia

    The American Spectator

    Jeffrey Lord

    Gates Foundation, Carnegie Corporation, New York Times, CDC lending support: Libya Syndrome?


    A new campaign issue explodes.

    An issue that illustrates exactly the kind of thinking that resulted in the deaths of the American Ambassador to Libya and his colleagues. An issue that shows exactly why a 14-year-old Pakistani girl named Malala was shot in the head by the Taliban -- and why the Taliban are now threatening journalists for covering Malala's plea for educated women.

    An issue that now, per a Fox News "Breaking News" report from Wendell Goler as this is written, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in Peru saying the buck in all this stops with her. (Note: We suggested this back on September 18 -- when we called for the Secretary's resignation.)

    The issue: Funding Sharia .

    The players.

    • The President of the United States.
    • Mama Sarah Onyango Obama, the 90-year old (born in 1922) step-grandmother of the President of the United States -- who wrote her up in his biography Dreams From My Father, invited her to his inauguration (she came) and affectionately calls her "Granny Sarah." (Note: She is referred to here by both her nicknames of "Mama Sarah" and President Obama's favorite, "Granny Sarah.")
    • Musa Ismail Obama, the President's first cousin.
    • Sayid Obama, half-uncle to Barack Obama, said by Musa to be the President's favorite and main point of contact for the President with his Kenyan family.

    Then the list of players gets even more interesting.

    • Al-Jazeera, the Arabic television network.
    • The International Reporting Project. Based in Washington, D.C., the IRP was created in 1998 and is headquartered at Johns Hopkins University's Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies. The IRP's Advisory Board includes Jill Abramson, the Executive Editor of the New York Times. Columnist Nicholas Kristof, also of the New York Times, serves as does CNN producer Tom Bettag along with others, including a one-time Washington Post executive.
    • The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
    • The Carnegie Corporation of New York
    • Greenpeace, the left-wing environmental group.
    • The Catholic Relief Services.
    • The Guardian, the famous left-wing British newspaper.

    And last but not least….

    • The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) of the United States government.

    Let's first go to the video, in this case a 39-minute video broken into three pieces and placed on YouTube. And also begin with a hat tip to Ben Barrack, our Texas friend, who brought the original work of Walid and Theodore Shoebat to my attention, launching my own investigation.

    The videos are a stunning sight to see.

    There on Al Jazeera (now posted in three parts on YouTube [links given in article]) sits one Musa Ismail Obama, the Kenyan cousin of the President of the United States, calmly telling the interviewer in fluent Arabic (English translation gracing the screen) that Barack Obama's "Granny Sarah" is using the Obama name to raise money to fund Sharia educations.

    You read that right.

    Sharia (alternately spelled with and without the last "h"), described thusly by the Center for Security Policy (in its study Shariah: The Threat to America -- An Exercise in Competitive Analysis) as a "totalitarian socio-political doctrine" and by Conrad Black as "Islam's totalitarian legal system." In shorthand, this is the religious doctrine of Islam. Relentlessly demanded by the Muslim Brotherhood and now governing both Iran and Saudi Arabia while closing in on Egypt -- Sharia is far more than a religious doctrine. It tells non-Muslims they have three choices:

    • Convert to Islam
    • Submit to Sharia as second-class citizens
    • Be killed.

    As the CSP points out, not all are given Option Two.

    .................................................. ........

    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 10-18-2012, 03:43 PM.
    B. Steadman