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Democrats’ Civil War Between the 'Clinton Restoration' and 'Obama Remnant' Factions

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  • Democrats’ Civil War Between the 'Clinton Restoration' and 'Obama Remnant' Factions

    DOOM ANTIDOTE: The Democrats’ Civil War Between the Factions of the Clinton Restoration and the Obama Remnant Begins November 7th, 2012


    Kevin DuJan


    I’m amazed that few conservative writers seem to understand this, but the Democrat Party has been engaged in a protracted Civil War for many years now…I’d say going back to at least 2004. This internal struggle culminated in 2008, with the Leftist faction shunting aside the moderate Clintons and instead insisting Barack Obama be the party’s standard bearer in the last election (because the Left knew Hillary would do what she thought best as president, not what the Left demanded of her…while Obama would be a weaker and more malleable figurehead of a president). The Left held absolute power from 2008-2010 and did every crazy thing it wanted to do, after being exiled in the political wilderness for many years and FINALLY (at long last) having the ability to put into real-life practice every insane scheme these people concocted in academia since the Carter administration.

    We all know what happened next, because Americans saw how far Left the Democrats veered and punished the party at the polls in the midterm elections. That was just a warmup, though, because on November 6th voters are going to decimate the Democrat Party with the largest rebuke in modern American political history. The Left’s pretending this isn’t happening because there never was a “Plan B” for these people; their whole operating agenda is predicated on the fact that the lefties are so much smarter than the rest of the country and that the way they intend to transform America (into a more European socialist style of country where the government decides what’s best for people) must be forced on Americans so that they can ultimately see how great it all is. The Left has normally maneuvered behind the scenes in quiet ways, pushing a little socialism here and the destruction of family units there…but under Obama they were allowed to not only let their masks slip but remove them completely and go absolutely hog wild during the Obama regime. The Left never anticipated defeat because it thought once it had the levers of power it would never allow them to slip away again…and the Left didn’t anticipate Americans YANKING back that power (and hopefully never again in our lifetimes allowing the Left to have it again).

    This is one of the reasons I keep telling people to stop using the word “liberal”, despite the fact that many conservative writers and popular pundits toss it around all the time. ”Liberal” is what the Democrats want to be called, because it seems much more appealing to the general public than calling Democrats what they really are, which is “Leftists” or “lefties” Democrats are adroit at PR and marketing and for many years they were allowed to do everything they pleased because the American public bought their lies that they really weren’t Marxists and that they didn’t really intend on wrecking the economy and radically transforming the nation. So they started calling themselves “liberals” because that sounds great to low-information voters…in the way that hearing your house was visited by delightful “hug-a-bugs” was more melodious than being told by an exterminator that you were suffering a cockroach infestation. You are a damn fool if you still call Democrats “liberals” because every time you do that it’s like contributing $5.00 to the Obama campaign in free advertising and brand-management. I love Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, but they’re fools too in this regard because their constant use of the word “liberal” on the air and in their books keeps reinforcing to Independent voters that Democrats aren’t as bad as conservatives claim they are…for the simple fact that “liberal” has such a nice, pleasing, “open to new ideas and tolerant of all things” vibe to it. In reality, Democrats want to force their radical views on you and empower the government to make all your decisions for you…and your calling them “liberals” helps them get away with that. If you would never call a cockroach a “hug-a-bug” to make it seem cuter then why on Earth are you still saying or writing “liberal”. Today is a great day to STOP THIS. -
    (bold emphasis added)

    The next four years are going to be very interesting because once Obama is defeated there will be a power struggle in the Democrat ranks. Those loyalists who worked on Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign will attempt to take back control of the party, but the Obama people in charge now are not going to let go of the reins without a major fight. The battle’s going to be ultimately won in board rooms, where Bill and Hillary will convene meetings with the top donors and a long battle for funding streams will be waged…with the Clintons arguing, quite accurately, that the Democrat Party only wins when it hides the Leftists in the attic and basement and puts a milder, more moderate face on the party. The Clintons judiciously kept the Left at bay for many years and were successful in the White House because they never allowed the party’s mask to slip.

    Leftists grew tired of being locked up in the attic and raged that they weren’t allowed to openly run the party. Their emergence into the open in 2008 was like the Morlocks coming up from the dark pits below and forgetting how completely revolting they were to most Americans. Obama’s Morlocks aren’t going to want to head back down into the shadows without a big fight…but I can’t imagine the people writing the checks to fund the Democrat Party are going to allow them to so openly proclaim Democrats to be the party of the Left and the transformation of America. 2010 already made the party’s funders skittish…but the 2012 debacle will force a lot of these millionaires and billionaires to realize that the Clinton way is the only one that really works. It is going to be major damage control mode starting November 7th…so it’s more important than ever that conservatives stop calling Democrats “liberals” since to survive the Democrat Party must soften its brand and make itself more appealing to Independents going forward. If we as conservatives consistently call these people “lefties” or “Leftists” then this just won’t happen.

    Do not ever help Democrats repair the damage of the Obama years by allowing them to rebrand as a kinder, gentler, “more liberal” party when calling them Leftists forever will keep it in the minds of Americans that electing Democrats to national office is a bad thing.


    The Ministry of Truth is going to attempt to rewrite history in the next few years and pretend that nothing was as bad in the Obama Regime as we remember it, but I think Minitru’s going to lose more power as newspapers and magazines fail and writers in the new media gain wider respect. Another word I want you to all stop using is “blog” or “blogger” because this is what Minitru uses to diminish and disrespect those of us conservative voices who publish electronically (which is how EVERYONE is going to publish within five years). Calling a conservative writer a “blogger” is like calling a gay man a fag or a black person a n***er. I want you to start paying attention to this because you’ll see I’m right. Just today, some jackass with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette made it a point to call me “a blogger” while simultaneously spelling my name wrong. He completely did this on purpose. This is a game that those employed in the dinosaur media play to diminish those of us who write from a conservative perspective in new media; they misspell our names to show how unimportant we are and call us “bloggers” the way some dismissively call gay guys “fags” or black people “n***ers”. This is Minitru’s way of dividing writers into two camps: those who are part of Minitru are the “journalists” and “writers” while those who are independent of Minitru are just “the bloggers”. If you ever use the words “blog” or “blogger” you are a damn fool, and are as myopic as those using “liberal”. Words really do matter and people who take the time to construct sentences for publication deliberately use words in a particular way to cause a desired effect in public thinking. It’s really time to stop helping Minitru control the national conservation by allowing it to paint Democrats in a good light while constantly diminishing their critics in the conservative ranks of new media. If you’re someone who’d never in your life say “fag” or “n***er”, then stop diminishing conservative voices by saying “blogger”.
    - (bold emphasis added)

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    Last edited by bsteadman; 10-28-2012, 02:38 PM.
    B. Steadman