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Communicating With Govt. Officials on “Obama” Ineligibility & Other Difficult Issues

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  • Communicating With Govt. Officials on “Obama” Ineligibility & Other Difficult Issues

    Communicating With Government Officials on “Obama” Ineligibility and Other Difficult Issues

    Obama State Ballot Challenge 2012



    From Arnie Rosner, a one-man wrecking ball against unconstitutional actors. This is to be used in dialogues with government bodies/officials ….

    Please tell me why you even make any suggestions there is any reason to play along with these criminal fraudsters? Boehner and like all and I emphasize all members of Congress? Yes Benghazi is one more important one. But they will drag it along until it is replaced by a more unbelievable abuse. Have you seen evidence where anything has been done to merits public approval? Has any investigation by Issa achieved anything but delay action? Have you ever seen any matter under investigation taken to prosecution?

    Obama still remains unable to prove he is eligible?

    By his criminal actions..and there are too many to list…

    What more is there to discuss?

    So tell me…if each citizen who is concerned about America

    visits the next meeting of their local administrative activity,

    and raises the following questions

    of the mayor, councilmen/councilwoman or commissioners….

    (Some individualization may be required to suit the circumstances)

    • Does this administrative board operate and abide by the Constitution of the (respective) state?
    • Does this elected body operate and abide by the Constitution of the United States of America?
    • Are each of you honoring and abiding by the sacred oath of office to which you swore?
    • Mr. Obama has failed to prove his eligibility to hold the office of president.
    • Based on pressure from Donald Trump, Mr. Obama presented his evidence of eligibility.
    • The document Mr. Obama submitted as his evidence of eligibility was a forgery.
    • Presenting a forged document in order to secure a federal job is a felony.
    • Here is a court accepted sworn affidavit of forgery against Mr. Obama as evidence.
    • Here is an indictment rendered by a grand jury against Mr. Obama
    • Here are additional details regarding Mr. Obama failing to qualify as president.
    • As my directly elected officials with full direct accountability to me an d every other constituent in this community, Please show me some sort of demonstrable proof you are acting in my interests to safeguard my family and me from these criminal incursions by the administration and other members of the federal government as per my 10th Amenemnt protection?
    • Please demonstrate to me why you are not guilty of aiding and abetting in this conspiracy which has been widely publicized for almost four years?
    • Given the publicly acknowledged election fraud markedly reported in many instances are documents where as high as 140% of eligible voters voted in this last election? Please demonstrate where you are acting in my best interest to guarantee me a republic form of government as guaranteed in our state and federal constitution?
    • Please advise me why all members of this elected governing body should not be charged with sedition? Possibly even treason against the trusting citizens of this community?


    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 11-24-2012, 07:25 PM.
    B. Steadman