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On the Harvesting of Votes -- American Thinker, Forrest Gump

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  • On the Harvesting of Votes -- American Thinker, Forrest Gump

    On the Harvesting of Votes

    American Thinker

    Forrest Gump


    David Horowitz brings us a very disturbing report on the extent to which the traditional harvesting of votes by parties has degenerated into massive, uncontrollable ballot manipulation by Democrats.

    Traditional "vote harvesters" have as their mission the gathering of "... unthinking collectives of potential voters -- nursing home residents, college students, skid-row dwellers, recent immigrants -- and get them to vote[.]"

    Mr. Horowitz is a red-diaper baby and a former "Marxist intellectual"-turned-militant conservative who here recounts a conversation he had with his "... brother-in-law, Henry, who has lived most of his life in a home for the mentally disabled and although now in his 40s, has the intelligence level of a 6-year-old."

    "Obama saved me," he said to me out of the blue. "What do you mean?" "I voted for him for president and now he's saving me."

    I was taken aback by these words, since Henry had no idea who Obama was, or what a president might be, and would be unable to fill out a registration form let alone get to the polling place by himself.

    So I asked him how he knew that and how he had registered and cast his vote. In halting, impeded speech he told me that the people who take care of him at the home filled out "the papers" to register him to vote, told him how Obama cared for him, even taught him the Obama chants, and then took him to the polling place to vote. They did the same for all of the mentally disabled patients in their care, approximately 60 in all.

    Mr. Horowitz prefaced the recounting of that conversation with a little history:

    Everybody by now knows - or should know - how readily Democrats conduct election fraud, and how determined they are to defend it[.] ... [They] have promoted Motor Voter laws and same day registration, and month-long election days to help them mobilize the votes of people who are so unconnected to the political process and so uninterested in the country's future, and perhaps so incompetent to understand what voting entails, that they require keepers to see that they get to the polls and then vote the "right" way.

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman