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Video: Chuck Woolery; The Real Assault Weapon Is The Liberal Media

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  • Video: Chuck Woolery; The Real Assault Weapon Is The Liberal Media

    Video: Chuck Woolery; The Real Assault Weapon Is The Liberal Media; Feinstein Calls For Ban

    Birther Report



    Game Show Legend Chuck Woolery:

    "The Real Assault Weapon is the Liberal Media"
    By Mac Slavo @ Silver Bear Cafe

    Legendary game show host Chuck Woolery has a message for Americans, and he delivers it with an AR-15 in hand.

    There is no doubt that it’s a tragedy when anyone takes the life of another without cause.

    But to blame assault weapons for this tragedy would be like, well, blaming airplanes for the 9-11 attacks.

    The problem lies with the perpetrator, not the tool used to commit the crime.

    As of right now, the Constitution is still the law of the land. And since we are a nation of laws and not men, we need to follow it carefully.

    The second amendment allows for assault weapons. The left argues that the founding fathers didn’t even know what an assault weapon was. As usual, this argument is wrong again.

    To say that the Constitution limits the kind of guns we can own would be like saying the Constitution limits the kind of religion people can practice.

    Our founding fathers wanted every citizen to be armed equal to the army in case of takeover by a tyrannical government. They wanted us to have protection… from them!

    Crazed criminals shooting up innocent people is a tragedy, but all the gun bans in the world will not stop them. Criminals will always find the weapons they need to carry out their crime.

    The only people that will be going unarmed are the law-abiding citizens like you and me.

    When you hear people talking about banning assault weapons, know the real assault weapon is the liberal media.

    Chuck Woolery’s Five Reasons For Why We Cannot Ban Firearms in America: (video)

    With more guns sold in America last year than there are soldiers in the world’s ten largest armed forces, Americans are vehemently rejecting the notion that the U.S. Constitution is an outdated document.

    Whether it’s California democrat Dianne Feistein attempting to ban rifles across the country, attempts to restrict the purchase of ammunition, or the United Nations making a power-play over America’s sovereignty, the fight for our right to bear arms is in full swing.

    Victory must be had, because the alternative is a world where the people will forever be wards and slaves of a State bent on total control.

    Copyright Information: Copyright SHTFplan and Mac Slavo. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form with full attribution to the author and a link to Please contact us for permission to reproduce this content in other media formats. --- - November 2012

    BREAKING: ABC News; Sen. Feinstein To Introduce Assault Weapons Ban On First Day Of Congress


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    The real cause of gun problems is stupidity of parents and other adults for not keeping weapons locked up .
    It is also the stupidity of all adults who fail to teach kids and other adults to be responsible and considerate of others .

