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Stickin' It to The Man -- American Thinker, Cindy Simpson

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  • Stickin' It to The Man -- American Thinker, Cindy Simpson

    Stickin' It to The Man

    American Thinker

    Cindy Simpson


    A few years ago, a commercial for a mobile phone carrier featured an executive who triumphantly declared that by taking advantage of a new calling plan, he was "sticking it to The Man." The assistant standing next to the boss, after listening to the spiel, hesitantly replied: "But -- you are The Man." "The Man" answered, quizzically, "Maybe."

    Today, in real life, some form of the condition, "Stick-it-to-The-Man-e-osis," seems to infect much of the nation.

    In the last election, Obama and the Democrat-media complex successfully portrayed "The Man" as Romney, the rich, Republicans -- anyone perceived to be standing in the way of (or already having) whatever it was that Obama-supporters wanted. Giving speeches on "fairness" and writing prescriptions on fairness cards, Obama passed out pins for his followers to use to stick it to The Man. Depending on the susceptibility to Stick-it-to-The-Man-e-osis exhibited by the community he was segmenting and organizing, Obama tailored specific pins, labeled with "you didn't build that," "tax the rich," "punish your enemies," and "vote for revenge."

    Obama fans stuck in those pins alright. Sixty-four million of them. But most have yet to realize that when they "stuck it to The Man" by voting for Obama, they were, in reality, sticking it to themselves.

    Obviously, most won't admit or recognize that they're afflicted with Stick-it-to-The-Man-e-osis. In their feverish state, many Obama-supporters believe that they won a "mandate" to Obama-money, whether it grows on trees or piles up in bottomless stashes of The Man. But some have woken up from their delirium to find, instead of gas in their car's tanks and paid-off mortgages, pink slips in their mailboxes or reduced working hours. Others will find that they will probably not be able to keep either their doctor or their insurance, and that a very powerful Man -- Uncle Sam -- has invited himself into the examining room.

    Many conservative writers have observed the irony that the stick-it disease produces in other segments of Obama-supporters in headlines such as this one: "Unions tearing down tents... and themselves." Columnist Caroline Glick recently noted that "Israel's supporters seem to have never gotten the memo. So here it is: Obama wants to fundamentally transform the U,S, relationship with Israel... As he sees it, to paraphrase Jim Baker, "F#&k the Jews, they voted for us anyway." In the Washington Times, Jeffrey Kuhner addressed the ugliness of racial-identity politics and their potential repercussion. He concluded: "Black racialism could fuel the rise of an angry white nationalism. That would be very bad for Americans -- white and black."

    Many of the groups that supported Obama, whatever their reasoning, are beginning to realize that their strategy is indeed backfiring. All while Obama continues to agitate those afflicted with Stick-it-to-The-Man-e-osis with his divisive rhetoric that pours salt on the wounds the contagion opens or inflicts.

    In the meantime, Obama-supporters have been so busy pushing "forward" and "sticking it to The Man" they have no idea that they've reached a very real edge of an economic precipice. Whether they'll see past the hazy target of "The Man" painted over the abyss by the Democrat-media complex, or actually look down past their toes and see the trillion-dollar darkness below, depends on how severe the case they've contracted.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman