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Merry Christmas 2012 -- Radio Patriot, Andrea Shea King

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  • Merry Christmas 2012 -- Radio Patriot, Andrea Shea King

    Merry Christmas 2012

    Radio Patriot

    Andrea Shea King


    For the third year, I am sharing this story with you again. It’s become a bit of a Christmas tradition on this blogsite. After all, isn’t that some of what Christmas is about? Traditions?

    Years ago when I hosted a radio program at a Melbourne, FL radio station, I interviewed dozens of authors who were coming through to do book signings further south at the Vero Beach Book Center. As a result, I have a collection of autographed hardcovers by James Patterson, Les Standiford, Mary Higgins Clark, Stuart Woods, Burt Boyar, Brad Meltzer, Stephen Cannell, and so many others that the shelves groan with the weight of them.

    One book in particular stands out at this time of year. It’s “The Christmas Ship”, written and illustrated by Dean Morrissey. Dean came into my studio Nov. 7, 2000 and joined me for what would be a memorable interview.

    Dean is an artist and the images he paints are magical. Considered fine art, his prints are available in limited editions.

    The story of “The Christmas Ship” is sweet, and what really brings it to life are the breathtakingly detailed images on each page, evoking the mood, nostalgia and wonder of childhood Christmases.

    Though I had interviewed dozens of writers, there was something special about Dean Morrissey. Besides his exquisite book, what made it memorable was something he shared with me during a commercial break. It came about casually, but within moments I had a lump in my throat.

    Dean Morrissey had earlier mentioned that he had two children. As I paged through the slim volume, I noted that the book was dedicated to Shan and Ian.

    “Your children?” I casually asked.

    He replied that Shan was his wife and Ian his son. Puzzled, I asked why he hadn’t included the name of the second child.

    He became quiet. His face grew pained and his eyes saddened as he softly answered that while working on the book, they had lost their second child.

    So instead, their precious boy lives on as Joey, the little guy who experiences the adventure of Christmas on the book’s pages

    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman