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Gun prosecutions down more than 45 percent under Obama .. Democrats push for new laws

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  • Gun prosecutions down more than 45 percent under Obama .. Democrats push for new laws

    Gun prosecutions down more than 45 percent under Obama, Obama and democrats push for new gun laws and don’t enforce existing laws, Fast and Furious, Rush Limbaugh comments

    Citizen Wells News

    Citizen Wells


    “Why did Justice Department and White House staff yell and curse at CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson over questions about Fast and Furious?”…Citizen Wells

    “Now, I don’t get upset when foreign and national journalists fail to mention Tony Rezko, or the Daley boys, or how the Chicago machine plans to staff the Department of Justice, and the new Department of Homeland Casinos.”…John Kass, Chicago Tribune July 30, 2008

    “Then-state senator Obama had backed a bipartisan bill called the Safe Neighborhoods Act. It would have raised the crime of illegal transport of a firearm from a misdemeanor to a felony. But on the crucial day of the vote, Obama was out of town–and on vacation, in Hawaii. The bill failed by only three votes, and the media pounced–as did Obama’s rivals. It was the moment, Obama later said, when he knew he would lose the race.”… June 21, 2012

    Gun prosecutions are way down since Obama took office. And why wouldn’t they be. Obama and the US Justice Department would have to prosecute themselves otherwise for their involvement in Fast and Furious.

    From the Washington Examiner December 17, 2012.

    “Gun prosecutions under Obama down more than 45 percent”
    “Despite his calls for greater gun control, including a new assault weapons ban that extends to handguns, President Obama’s administration has turned away from enforcing gun laws, cutting weapons prosecutions some 40 percent since a high of about 11,000 under former President Bush.

    “If you are not going to enforce the laws on the books, then don’t start talking about a whole new wave of new laws,” said a gun rights advocate.


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    B. Steadman