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Republicans Turning Lincoln the Movie into Obama the Movie -- Canada Free Press

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  • Republicans Turning Lincoln the Movie into Obama the Movie -- Canada Free Press

    Republicans Turning Lincoln the Movie into Obama the Movie

    Canada Free Press

    Judi McLeod


    Pass the popcorn.

    Barack Hussein Obama, the golf-playing Marxist president is being compared to Honest Abe.

    Not by the Democrats, mind you, but by white flag-waving, go-along-to-‘git’-along Republicans.

    According to some Republicans, desperately trying to duck the blame for taking America over the fiscal cliff and with Congress gridlocked, it’s now all up to Mr. Obama to produce a plan that can both cut deficits and win bipartisan support.

    It’s only now that it’s up to Obama to produce a plan and win bipartisan support?

    There hasn’t been a budget tabled by the Senate in almost four years.

    For getting out and under, this is the advice of Sen. Roy Blunt (R) of Missouri, whose best shot at reality leans heavily on the must-see film of the year for Washington insiders:

    “To get hard things done, the president has to lead,” says Blunt.

    Talk about stating the obvious.

    The president is leading America into a socialist state and leading its people over the fiscal cliff, but you won’t see that in any movie, Mr. Senator.

    “Virtually every member of the Senate, I think, has seen this new movie on Lincoln, and the lesson of that movie is that to get hard things done the president has to decide he wants something done, he adds.” (The Christian Science Monitor, Dec. 28, 2012).

    Well-heeled, entertainment-seeking, nothing much to do senators may be able to spend afternoons in darkened movie theatres. Average Americans struggling to find jobs and keep roofs over their heads must pass on the movies for real life.

    “In “Lincoln” the movie, an intensely engaged, hands-on president consolidates Republican ranks on the need for an amendment abolishing slavery, while peeling off enough Democratic votes to win by argument or raw political muscle.”

    But Lincoln never had to be coaxed in off the golf links or return from $4-million holidays in Hawaii to deal with high-spending government-created fiscal cliffs.

    “President Lincoln’s efforts to pass an amendment abolishing slavery took months. Obama has four days to find a way around some $600 billion in tax hikes and spending cuts set to take effect on Jan. 1.”

    With quivering cave-ins like Blunt and House Leader John Boehner working on his side, the worst that will happen to Obama is he’ll be made to look like President Abraham Lincoln with photo-shopped proof on the Drudge report.

    No one should be surprised that Blunt threw in his lot with Obama before seeing the “Lincoln” movie.

    “Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) added his voice Friday to the group of Republicans willing to explore tax increases as part of a deal to avert the fiscal cliff, telling the radio station KTRS there’s a small chance he might do so as part of broader compromise.

    “I think I’m unlikely to do that,” Blunt said, in response to a question about raising marginal tax rates on incomes over $250,000. However, he added, “If we had real long-term entitlement reform that would offset the negative economic impact of raising tax rates, that’s something to talk about and that’s the deal.” (Huffington Post, Nov. 30, 2012).

    With politics gone gaga Hollywood anything can happen.

    Obama’s strategy to spend like there’s no tomorrow and say it was a Republican idea is winning. A Gallup poll released this week finds that 54 percent of Americans approve of his handling of the fiscal cliff negotiations, compared with 25 percent who back the Republican leaders. But while most Americans were holding out that Congress would resolve the fiscal cliff by Jan. 1, that confidence level dropped this week to just 50 percent.

    Meanwhile, GOP’s approval rating hovers in the 20s while the president’s is in the 50s, as longtime congressional budget analyst Stan Collender points out.

    Will Americans awaken on January 1st to find if they are covered in rocks from the crumbling cliff? Will they be buried alive in the debris?

    With politicians like Blunt and Boehner doing everything possible to save their own hides, who knows?


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    'Fiscal cliff' meeting at White House: Will it be 'Lincoln' moment for Obama?

    Many Senate Republicans say that with Congress deadlocked on averting the fiscal cliff, it is up to Obama to force a deal. The lesson from the movie 'Lincoln,' they say, is 'the president has to lead.'

    Christian Science Monitor

    Gail Russell Chaddock, Staff writer


    The Friday afternoon meeting with congressional leaders at the White House represents a potential “Lincoln” moment for President Obama as time has effectively run out to cut a deal to avert the Jan. 1 “fiscal cliff” of spending cuts and tax hikes.

    That’s the view, anyway, of many Senate Republicans, back in session this week, who say that, with Congress gridlocked, it’s now all up to Mr. Obama to produce a plan that can both cut deficits and win bipartisan support.

    “To get hard things done, the president has to lead,” says Sen. Roy Blunt (R) of Missouri, referencing the must-see film of the year for Washington insiders, “Lincoln.”

    “Virtually every member of the Senate, I think, has seen this new movie on Lincoln, and the lesson of that movie is that to get hard things done the president has to decide he wants something done,” he adds.

    In “Lincoln” the movie, an intensely engaged, hands-on president consolidates Republican ranks on the need for an amendment abolishing slavery, while peeling off enough Democratic votes to win by argument or raw political muscle.

    President Lincoln’s effort to pass an amendment abolishing slavery took months. Obama has four days to find a way around some $600 billion in tax hikes and spending cuts set to take effect on Jan. 1.

    Moreover, the 3 p.m. Oval Office meeting marks the first time the president has met directly with all four congressional leaders on the fiscal cliff since mid-November. With Congress gridlocked and House Republicans in disarray, it’s not clear that the Obama White House has the capacity or the will to take responsibility for the outcome.

    For what it’s worth, Obama is winning the fiscal cliff battle in public opinion polls. A Gallup poll released this week finds that 54 percent of Americans approve of his handling of the fiscal cliff negotiations, compared with 26 percent who back the Republican leaders. While most Americans had been confident that Congress would resolve the fiscal cliff by Jan. 1, that confidence level dropped this week to just 50 percent.

    "Blunt's remarks show how intractable this situation is. The GOP doesn't want to take the blame for proposing anything, and instead wants to blame the White House for not doing the same," says longtime congressional budget analyst Stan Collender,a partner at Qorvis Communications in Washington, in an e-mail.

    "The White House sees no reason to bail out the GOP, whose approval rating is in the 20s while the president's is in the 50s," he adds.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

