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Rent-a-Gun? Govt. To Permit Guns To Be ‘Rented’ Until You Die -- Western Journalism

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  • Rent-a-Gun? Govt. To Permit Guns To Be ‘Rented’ Until You Die -- Western Journalism

    Rent-a-Gun? Govt. To Permit Guns To Be ‘Rented’ Until You Die

    The Western Center for Journalism

    Doug Book


    The widely anticipated Senate bill soon to be introduced by gun-banner extraordinaire Dianne Feinstein will do far more than eliminate “assault weapons” (AW’s) and “high capacity” magazines.

    According to a summary on the senator’s website, concealed carry license holder Feinstein–who proposed an outright ban on all handguns while packing her own for self-defense—will demand that owners of guns affected by her legislation: pay a $200 fee for each banned weapon owned; submit pictures, fingerprints and register AW’s with the ATF; have local law enforcement attest to the owner’s identity and specify the address at which each weapon will be kept.

    But the NRA reports that the senator intends to go much further than bans or registration. For assessment of an acquired draft of Feinstein’s bill reveals a provision demanding that guns defined as assault weapons be immediately turned over to the federal government upon the current owner’s death.

    Under existing Federal Firearm Legislation, owners of AW’s are permitted to sell their weapons outright, modify them or pass them along to heirs. But not anymore. For should Feinstein’s bill become law, AW’s will be grandfathered into the possession of their current owners and “…[will] remain with [that] …owner until [his] death, at which point they [will] be forfeited to the government.”

    In short, our political ruling class would literally appropriate millions of “assault weapons,” rent the freshly acquired firearms back to their original owners and then seize them after those flagrantly cheated individuals have died.

    It is a very clever scheme of mortality-based confiscation!

    Registration of the appropriated weapons will be conducted according to the National Firearms Act of 1934, the law which, among other things, regulates ownership of machine guns and silencers. Fortunately the $200 per weapon fee has historically been charged only on the transfer of a weapon rather than on a yearly basis. But of course those banned, “high capacity” magazines must also be taken into account—and taxed.

    Feinstein’s bill has yet to be completed, though she has vowed to read it on the Senate floor by January 3rd. Given the massive, nationwide dissent and bitter animosity which would surely result should the contents of the bill be published in an open and honest form, it’s possible that, like ObamaCare, Congress will have to pass the legislation before the American public finds out what’s in it.

    One thing is certain–gun owners will undoubtedly acquire many new responsibilities while preserving very few rights.

    For example, Feinstein and Co. might demand holders of “assault weapons” purchase some form of renter’s insurance in order to protect themselves from legal responsibility should a gun be stolen and used in a crime. Naturally, the legal responsibility would be levied either by Congress itself or one of its partners in crime—the ATF comes to mind. After all, it would be a swell way to pick up a few bucks while encouraging a “pre-demise” weapon turn-in by owners who wish to avoid legal exposure or the expense of congressionally-mandated insurance coverage. Imagine the required purchase of an “ATF-approved” policy at $500 per year per weapon. A protection racket to make even Capone blush!


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman