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Brennan must answer for passport breach -- WND, Jack Cahill

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  • Brennan must answer for passport breach -- WND, Jack Cahill

    Brennan must answer for passport breach

    Exclusive: Jack Cashill ties in Obama's apparent 1981 trip to Pakistan


    Jack Cashill


    On Monday, President Barack Obama nominated John Brennan, his chief counterterrorism adviser, to head up the CIA. Brennan, 57, has served as assistant to the president for counterterrorism and homeland security since 2009.

    Before voting to confirm, Republicans in the Senate may want to question Brennan about the role he played in Obama’s 2008 campaign, specifically his potential involvement in the multiple breaches of the presidential candidates’ passport records in

    The Washington Post headlined the story on March 22, 2008, “Rice Apologizes For Breach of Passport Data; Employees Looked at Files On Obama, Clinton, McCain.”

    The “Rice” in question was Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The offended party in the Post story was Barack Obama. He told reporters that he expected “a full and thorough investigation,” one that “should be done in conjunction with those congressional committees that have oversight function so it’s not simply an internal matter.”

    It was not until the 13th paragraph of the Post story that the reader learned that of one of the three contract employees caught in the act worked for the Analysis Corporation, the CEO of which was Brennan.

    The Post did report that Brennan donated $2,300 to the Obama campaign but suggested no deeper tie. This information was offset by the revelation that the other two culpable contract employees worked for Stanley Inc., whose CEO, Philip Nolan, contributed $1,000 to the Clinton campaign.

    Stanley, however, had been handling passport work for 15 years and had just been awarded a five-year, $570 million contract. The company had no reason to play favorites in the 2008 campaign. It promptly fired the two employees, neither of whom was likely working at the directive of Nolan or of the Clinton campaign.

    Unlike Stanley Inc., a huge government contractor listed on the New York Stock Exchange, Analysis Corp. had fewer than 100 employees, and its one culpable employee apparently escaped discipline. The Post article told us only that “his or her employment status is under review.”

    Nor was Brennan a casual donor to the Obama campaign. To its credit, CNN Politics saw the real news angle in the passport scandal: “Chief of firm involved in breach is Obama adviser.” Having made this point, CNN and the rest of the media fell silent.

    After its initial article, the Post said not a single word about the incident or Brennan’s connection to it. The Post remained mute on the subject even in its 1,300-word front-page article of Jan. 9, 2009, “Obama Taps CIA Veteran As Adviser On Terror; Brennan Has Drawn Fire on Interrogations.”

    The fact that an employee of Obama’s new counterterrorism adviser had breached Obama’s passport files just months earlier held no interest for the Post or any other major media outlet of consequence.

    A sidebar that emerged at the same time was the murder in Washington on April 18, 2008, of a fellow named Leiutenant Quarles Harris. He had earlier been apprehended for taking information off passport applications to procure fraudulent credit cards. It is highly unlikely that this murder had any connection to the passport breach.


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    B. Steadman