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Executive gun ‘order’ easier said than done -- The Washington Times, Seth McLaughlin

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  • Executive gun ‘order’ easier said than done -- The Washington Times, Seth McLaughlin

    Executive gun ‘order’ easier said than done

    The Washington Times

    Seth McLaughlin


    The administration is eyeing unilateral steps on gun control, but analysts said there are few things President Obama can do on his own because gun control is one area where Congress has jealously guarded its power to make the laws.

    In many areas, Congress writes broad laws but gives the executive branch wide discretion to write rules and regulations. Not so with guns.

    “The problem with gun control is that Congress has been extraordinarily explicit,” said John Hudak, a scholar on executive power at the Brookings Institution. “When gun-control legislation is passed, it is usually very detailed in what Congress intended and it is usually very detailed in the barriers it sets up for the executive branch. That limits presidential authority to use executive power because there is little discretion.”

    Vice President Joseph R. Biden, who is leading the White House task force on gun control, said this week that Mr. Obama is looking at “executive orders, executive action” that he can take without having to depend on Congress, which has blocked stricter gun control for nearly two decades.

    Constitutional analysts and gun specialists said there may be some room for the administration to act alone to tighten the instant background checks by asking states to pony up more data.

    But they said anything broader, such as banning types of guns, ammunition or magazines, would have to come from Congress.

    Alan Korwin, a gun rights advocate and author of books on gun laws, said Congress has not given the president the power to tighten the laws on his own.

    “Nor should, nor can, they. They are not empowered to,” Mr. Korwin said. “In other words, the people have not given Congress the ability to give the president the power that is not spelled out in the Constitution.”

    Mr. Korwin, though, added that Congress has shown a willingness to give away its powers on some thorny issues.

    .................................................. ..

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Tough Path Seen by Obama on Ban of Assault Arms', which was started 1/11/2013 by 'Seizethecarp'

    The thread references a 1/10/2013 New York Times article written by Michael D. Shear and Peter Baker -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:

    The following is COMMENT #6, by '2ndDivisionVet', in the thread:

    If Obama took ‘Executive Action’ on gun control, what might he do?

    The following is COMMENT #9, by 'tpmintx', in the thread:

    Obama will do an executive order calling for the confiscation of firearms..Obama is the closest thing to Hitler that I have ever seen its downright scary
    - (from COMMENT #5, by 'Sarah Baracuda', in the thread)

    They have the beginnings of a national database just by pulling in every form ATF 4473 and starting with those people. If you bought a gun since 1968, you filled out a 4473. There is a record. The ATF is not supposed to have this data, but I'll bet they do.

    The following is COMMENT #10, by 'Seizethecarp', in the thread:

    I think the huge gun and ammunition sales emptying out the market pipeline for six months out has caused Obama to surrender. The 2nd amendment still works!

    I also suspect that Democrats around long enough to remember their route in 1994 are now scared to death of their prospects of holding the senate in 2014, should the NRA go after the purple state candidates on this issue.

    When the Biden committee was appointed the emotional reaction of the low-information and gun-grabbing knee-jerk liberals was still high, but all of that intensity has dissipated back to the pre-Sandy baseline, from what I see in the media.

    It looks to me that the Biden meetings did NOT go well for the gun-grabbing agenda and focused more on preemptively locking up suicidal nut-cases before they reach full rampage mode as well as arming school staff and providing whatever armed security can be afforded.

    The image of sitting duck teachers throwing themselves in front of their kids will cause any sane person, including even a lot of liberals, to think they would have been better off if they had their own defensive weapons in the school and the training to use the weapons.

    The whole country has been educated on the extensive use of armed guards at schools in many parts of the country.
    Last edited by bsteadman; 01-12-2013, 06:52 PM.
    B. Steadman

