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Stand up to Socialists Don’t Just Petition Them -- Canada Free Press, Judi McLeod

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  • Stand up to Socialists Don’t Just Petition Them -- Canada Free Press, Judi McLeod

    Stand up to Socialists Don’t Just Petition Them

    Canada Free Press

    Judi McLeod


    There must be a gargantuan Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole somewhere in God’s Little Green Acres where most, if not all, petitions go.

    And surely the most stupid petitions of all are the ones on the website, seeing that it is the White House most petitioners are petitioning against.

    Even Obama ineligibility diehards use petitions to demand that Obama resign. (Fat chance of that notwithstanding).

    If you want your state to secede, don’t count on Obama’s blessing. If you want mercy from the non-stop executive orders, it won’t be forthcoming from the Marxist squatting on the White House.

    Isn’t there anything in writing somewhere that people who petition their enemies in power should have their heads read?

    Latest on the petition circuit is Senator Rand Paul entreating Americans on a Human Events send out to “sign this petition demanding your Congressman and Senators OPPOSE Big Labor’s Card Check Forced Unionism Bill before it’s too late.” Human Events, Jan. 15, 2013).

    Being on the inside now, the good senator must surely realize that letters, emails, faxes, telephone calls and petitions to Senators and Congressmen, (by and large) fall on deaf ears.

    The American way of life is being regulated to death by a self-appointed agent of destruction called Barack Obama, Senator Paul, and it’s going to take a good deal more than petitions to get him to curb his style.

    This is the America whose temperature was taken this morning: The Dems are cleaning the imaginary lint off their tuxedos hoping to get a seat next to their favourite Hollywood celeb at the Inauguration Ball; the Repubs are pretending there’s nothing they can do to bring America back to America, and stubbornly pretending not to feel the pain of the Obama rope tightening around their necks or the prospect of being caught in the glare of the Marxist Projection Blame Game, so unmercifully spun by Artful Dodger Barack.

    Is it any wonder why frustration is at an all time high among average Americans?

    “Somebody do something!” has got to be the mantra of the day.

    Earth to Senators Paul, Marco Rubio and the handful of other new bloods: the answer to arresting Obama’s transformation of the country called the USA, now galloping along at breakneck speed, could be the one, being acted out right now in Paris, France.

    The plebes of France are fighting not with petitions, but with their feet, in throngs of 350,000 strong.

    You see, one day a Socialist came along and took control of their country, too.

    People were sitting around cafes grousing about the hopeless cause of socialism, and seemed content to do only that until President François Hollande added action to his asundry Marxist boasts by deciding to come right out and legalize gay marriage and adoption. In reverse-the-tables fashion, critics of Hollande’s starkly Socialist policies—the plebes—are, like the Marxists often claim, “doing it for the children”.

    “The protest attracted Catholic bishops as well as prominent French politicians from both houses of parliament, and tens of thousands of people from all across the country traveled to the capital to attend the rally. They chanted slogans and played music, creating a party-like atmosphere under the gray skies. Because of the expected influx of people, a match planned for Sunday by football club Paris Saint-Germain had to be held two days earlier.” (Spiegelonline, Jan. 14, 2013).

    With borrowed Marxist savvy, ingenuity, resolve and determination, the Paris protesters, many of them members of Catholic groups, have escaped Hollande’s version of Obama’s bitter clinger, racist labeling.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman