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Editorial: Attempted Gun Confiscation by the Obama Regime, Leading to Civil War II?

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  • Editorial: Attempted Gun Confiscation by the Obama Regime, Leading to Civil War II?

    Editorial: Attempted Gun Control/Registration/Confiscation by the Obama Regime, Possibly Leading to Civil War II?

    Any attempt by the Obama Regime to CONFISCATE appropriate guns or other appropriate arms for possession or self defense, held in private by American citizens, would be a direct violation of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

    If such a tragic escalation scenario should ever occur, I believe a great many ORDINARY PEOPLE on BOTH SIDES of the battle would be lost, along with many additional people, as always, who would not be actively involved or even understand the issues underlying the fight.

    It is likely that many of the individuals in top governmental positions of authority and responsibility for the escalation would ultimately escape, unscathed.

    Property damage would likely be astronomical. Serious peripheral damage would likely occur to financial markets and critical goods distribution systems.

    Radical left groups from all over the world would likely be INVITED by the Obama Regime to join in the fight to bring down the once mighty U.S.A.!

    I would not want to predict the outcome of such a confrontation, but I think the inherent ‘guerrilla warfare’ nature of the battle insures that it would last a very long time. — Very sad indeed!

    In lieu of the above outlined tragic scenario, I think it would be far preferable for EVERYONE, who now understands the very real danger we are facing as a country, to GET TOGETHER and vigorously promote, for example -

    The supremely incriminating and multiple FRAUDS surrounding Kenyan-Born Obama, and the powerful individuals and groups supporting him MUST BE EXPOSED – NOW to the vast, confused and still sleeping AMERICAN PUBLIC!

    I predict that no escalation of the current divisive/hostile atmosphere could be successfully undertaken by the Obama Regime if faced with THEIR OWN EXPOSURE TO THE BROAD AMERICAN PUBLIC!

    The controlled MSM will not do this!

    WE THE AMERICAN PATRIOTS MUST SOMEHOW SIMPLY AND DIRECTLY INFORM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE regarding the complex problem that is now reaching to the highest levels of their government!

    Further advancements to solving the Obama Problem can not be achieved through continued discussions within the American Patriot’s own circle of comfort, or by their wasting time arguing with the treasonous obots!

    If for some reason ObamaFraud.5x is not chosen as the means to start saving our country, then I think something similar NEEDS TO BE UNDERTAKEN BY SOMEONE very soon.


    Only then can economic recovery and an an acceptable level of unity for our citizenry be achieved!
    Last edited by bsteadman; 02-04-2013, 04:42 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    AMEN TO THAT . " We The People " hate war and do not want to endure a civil war with the tyrannical IMPOSTER badrak " insane " obummer and his criminal cronies , but we might be forced into it if they are allowed to continue the violation of our CONSTITUTION and our rights as AMERICAN citizens . One fortunate thing for patriots is that we greatly outnumber the tyrants and many millions are well armed . The blame isalso shared by the lamebrained members of congress for allowing the usurper to remain illegally in our whitehouse and oval office . Every one of them should be ashamed of sitting on their fat butts and doing nothing and they should all be indicted for bad governance and failure to perform their duties and honor the oath to " Protect and Defend AMERICA and the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic ".
    AMERICA ' s worst enemy is obummer .
    --------------------- Nobody Wins A war -------------------------
    Last edited by AMERICAN ADVOCATE; 02-03-2013, 02:37 AM. Reason: spelling

