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Libya: Jihadists involved in Benghazi massacre now manning checkpoints into city

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  • Libya: Jihadists involved in Benghazi massacre now manning checkpoints into city

    Libya: Jihadists involved in Benghazi massacre now manning checkpoints into city

    Atlas Shrugs

    Pamela Geller


    Once again, in word and in deed, Obama's doesn't give a passing thought to dead Americans. Dead as a result of his disastrous foreign policy. He'd sooner see a dead American (soldier or public servant) than insult jihadists or sharia enforcers.

    This is so stunning a development, it defies believability, except under a treacherous Obama presidency.

    Libya: Jihad group involved in Benghazi massacre now manning checkpoints into city Jihadwatch

    A sign of how serious the Obama-backed Libyan government is about fighting these jihad groups. "Libya militia linked to U.S. attack returns to Benghazi," by Hadeel Al Shalchi for Reuters, February 17 (thanks to Lookmann):

    (Reuters) - An Islamist militia linked to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and kicked out of the city by locals is back openly manning checkpoints and building up support promising much-needed security.

    Heavily bearded youths from Ansar al-Sharia control the western entrance into Libya's second biggest metropolis, patrol a hospital and check cars and trucks passing through another checkpoint in the south.

    Witnesses say the group's members were at the scene of the September 11 attack that killed the U.S. ambassador, Christopher Stevens, and three other Americans - though Ansar al-Sharia denied any involvement.

    Days after the assault, outraged residents drove the group out of its bases in the city in a "Rescue Benghazi" protest.

    The group's highly visible return, five months on, underlines the complex security situation on the ground two years after the start of the revolt that ousted Muammar Gaddafi.

    Many in the West see Islamist militants as the biggest threat to the security of the oil-producing country and the region - and accuse them of carrying out a string of attacks on police and foreigners in the city in recent months.

    Their fears echo international concerns about the rise of Islamism in other countries shaken by the Arab Spring uprisings, including Libya's neighbors Egypt and Tunisia.

    But the groups are also held up as heroes of the Libyan uprising by some locals who say they are doing a better job of the protecting them than the government in distant Tripoli.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman