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Racing for the exits -- Canada Free Press, Doug Hagmann

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  • Racing for the exits -- Canada Free Press, Doug Hagmann

    Racing for the exits

    Canada Free Press

    Doug Hagmann


    On February 20, 2003, a deadly fire caused by the use of pyrotechnics resulted in the deaths of 100 people and the injuries of 230 others at the Station nightclub in West Warwick, Rhode Island. According to official investigative accounts, it took less than six minutes for the nightclub to be fully engulfed in flames and completely destroyed. In just over five minutes, the lives of many people were changed forever, and no one inside of the club saw it coming until it was too late.

    At present, the United States of America is metaphorically comparable to that nightclub, and the citizens of the U.S. as its patrons. Our elected officials (past and present), the Federal Reserve, and the Wall Street elite are the individuals who lit the fuse. Unlike the individual who lit the pyrotechnic display at the nightclub, however, those involved in destroying our national economy are arsonists who are intentionally burning our country to the ground. They have no allegiance to the U.S., her citizens, or anything beyond their collective lust for a global economy.

    Others are intentionally blocking some of the exits. Unfortunately, too few people understand what is taking place, or they have become transfixed by the unchecked flames of the wayward pyrotechnics of the international bankers. You are being looted, right now, as you read this.

    Some call it “doom porn”

    With the Dow recently hitting a new record high, I will undoubtedly be accused of authoring “doom porn,” especially by those who follow the Keynesian model of economics that, among other factors, brought us to this very point in our economic history. After all, look around; people are still buying big ticket items, taking vacations, and living a relatively normal life, and are seemingly unscathed by our current debt crisis.

    I can hear it now… “What crisis?” We are experiencing our eighth longest “bull market” since 1928, thanks to the efforts of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, among others. But it is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme and you, dear reader, are the unwitting victim.

    Much like our current financial situation, there were people inside the nightclub that initially believed that the fire that consumed the venue was a controlled part of the act. Others knew there was a problem and headed for the exits. Some escaped unharmed, some were injured, while others perished. Some were trampled or crushed to death in their race to the exits. So too will it be in the United States.

    Controlled demise

    There are many who believe that what they are seeing with regard to our economy and the health of our dollar is under control, and they are indeed correct. The difference, however, is that the people in charge of the pyrotechnics of our economy and our nation are arsonists. They do not have the best interests of the citizens of the U.S. in mind. They are driven by their own greed, by the promise of a seat at the global table of a new, international currency, and by the agenda of the international banking cabal.

    It is critical for everyone to understand that, like a Ponzi scheme, the current system is being designed to collapse. The central bankers and the politicians who are in bed with the investment firms have defiled capitalism, and have created a Fascist state right in front of us.

    If you don’t believe that we have been played for suckers, not just in the U.S. but on a global scale, just think about the political appointments of Mario Draghi, Italy’s prime minister, Mario Monti, and the former Greek prime minister Lucas Papademos. What did each have in common? Goldman Sachs.

    What about our outgoing Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner? Not only did Geithner work for Kissinger and Associates, he served under Treasury Secretaries Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers, the latter having served as the Chief Economist for the World Bank. Summers also played a key role in lobbying Congress for the repeal of the Glass Steagall Act, which armed the arsonists with the matches.

    Additionally, Timothy Geithner’s father, Peter Geithner, just happened to work with Barack Hussein Obama’s mother at the Ford Foundation, where he headed the foundation’s Asia Program. Small world. Or perhaps something more nefarious? To quote Sherlock Holmes from The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier, “But is it coincidence? Are there not subtle forces at work of which we know little?”

    They are intentionally setting up the American economy to fail. The proof is there for all to see, if one simply looks. It’s a fatal combination of the Cloward-Piven strategy, an enhanced version of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “New Deal,” and Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society,” with each feeding off the others in order to obliterate the middle class. The agenda is to convert a nation of citizens into subjects, except on a global scale.

    You might think that we’ve heard all of this before, and you have. So what’s different this time?

    Approaching critical mass

    Recently, billionaires Warren Buffet, John Paulson, and (of course) George Soros have sold massive volumes of U.S. stocks and equity positions. Could it be that they know something that the average, hard-working American doesn’t? To anyone paying close attention, I believe that question answers itself. They have successfully found the exits and left the nightclub well ahead of anyone else.

    There is a larger agenda, however, that no one seems to want to bring up or discuss. It’s the agenda that was created a century ago with the creation of a central bank, known as the Federal Reserve. It’s the ultimate government sanctioned Ponzi scheme that creates money out of nothing, something that would result in a prison sentence for anyone who is reading this.

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    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Surviving the coming collapse

    Canada Free Press

    Doug Hagmann


    “How do you think it will play out? What will it look like… the economic collapse that you’ve been writing about? I have money invested in the stock market, investments, sitting in the bank. Will my investments be safe? What should I do to prepare?” Those are the most common questions I’ve been receiving since writing about the coming collapse of the U.S. dollar and looming economic crisis.

    Since my recent article titled Racing for the exits was published, I’ve received nearly one thousand e-mails with these very questions from people all over the world. Obviously, people are very concerned and amid the doom and gloom, are looking for people to provide them with answers, or at least some guidance and direction.

    “Doom porn” or a real possibility?

    I have been accused of writing what some people call “doom porn,” or the “end of the world as we know it” type events that center around the collapse of our fiat monetary system. Most of these accusers are the people who follow the writing and ranting of the talking heads of corporate media who are shilling for the very people and governmental bodies that are responsible for putting us in the very position we find ourselves today.

    To be clear, I’m merely an investigator and writer who, for the last 25 years of my career, developed certain contacts working within various levels of our government. I am a much better investigator than a financial expert, an indisputable fact documented by my own personal financial situation. I’m just an average guy with a family, just trying to make ends meet and make sense of it all. Thankfully, my contacts are much more knowledgeable, and it is from this collective group that I’ve tapped for their knowledge and understanding about what we are facing not only as a nation, but on a global scale. A few of my sources were actually present, in-country, during the collapse of the Soviet Union and other nations over the last quarter-century. I’ve interviewed these eyewitnesses to such cataclysmic economic events, and they have shared their accounts and advice that I am offering now.

    While their accounts differ somewhat, there are identifiable common factors I’ve been able to amass from each. Hopefully, by sharing what I’ve learned and studiously researched will assist those with the common questions of what an economic collapse might look like and how we can protect ourselves from the events on the horizon. Please understand that nothing I write is to be construed as economic advice as I am far from having any qualifications in that venue. The information I provide is based on my own extensive research into this area of genuine concern.

    Normalcy bias

    As I’ve previously written, the majority of people believe that an economic collapse cannot or will not happen in America. Frankly, that’s exactly what I believed for the majority of my adult life, until I stopped listening to the people - the very architects of our upcoming and life-changing pain and suffering that is about to descend upon the “working class” in whatever country you reside.

    It’s easy to be dismissive of such warnings as everything “appears” normal on the surface. In most areas, especially America, life continues to be relatively good as people continue to drive shiny new vehicles to their jobs, buy big ticket items and take nice vacations. Well, at least some people. But those with discernment “feel” different. We know that something is terribly wrong.

    While others call us crazy, we’ve broken free from the spells of the talking heads who insist that we’re in “a recovery.” They are either the complicit facilitators of this illusion of normalcy, or the victims of “normalcy bias.” They either cannot comprehend that an economic collapse can happen, or have a stake in the outcome.

    What follows will not address the merits of an argument for or against an “economic Armageddon,” but will attempt to answer two simple questions: what will a collapse of the U.S. dollar look like, and what can we, as normal and average people, do to best protect ourselves and our life’s work?

    Understanding what’s coming

    Based on my investigation, numerous interviews and hours upon hours of extensive research, one thing appears to be certain. The collapse of the U.S. dollar is a mathematical certainty, it merely a question of when. No one seems able to answer the timing aspect of such an event, although they all comfortably believe it will be sometime within the next 18-24 months at the “outside.” Quietly, however, they have murmured that they don’t think we have that much time.

    Perhaps most important of all is the fact that a dollar collapse will have global ramifications. Simply put, it will bring down the entire economy of the world, so there won’t be anyplace to run to escape. Some places and areas will fare better than others, but it will still affect every civilized country on the planet.

    Also of critical importance is the understanding that this is an “engineered” collapse, one that is designed to introduce a single global currency. (You know, the belief that has been identified as a domestic terror threat by DHS standards). It is unlikely that this global currency or economic reset will be instantaneous, however. There will exist a period of extreme chaos, uncertainty, and a level of suffering that has been never before seen. It is for this period that we must prepare.

    There will be “bank runs” as people try to get their money out of their accounts before the digital figures present in your account - the balances you check frequently - disappear. As the economy of the world reels from this unprecedented event, chaos will become the norm as the unprepared will be panic buying, looting and pillaging. As days turn into weeks and perhaps months, people will be hungry and desperate. Essential services will suffer, and the very things we all take for granted will be strained until broken. Martial Law will become a reality to quell the angry masses who have been victimized by this controlled demolition of our economy. While some areas will fare better than others, no one will escape unscathed except the elite architects of this plan.

    Perhaps this might explain the questions and controversy surrounding the bulk ammunition purchases by the U.S. DHS and other federal agencies, the para-militarization of state, county and local police, and military movements within the United States.

    How to prepare?

    With the strong caveat that I am not a financial advisor, I can only tell you what I personally would be doing if I had money in the stock market, investments and in the bank. You will have to first decide whether you believe it can and will happen, and also decide what best fits your situation.

    I was once told by someone I respect that sometimes, you just have to get out of the way. “Duck or bleed,” to be concise. If I believe that a financial collapse is indeed coming, and I do, one rule of thumb applies. If you can’t see it, hold or possess it and guard it, you don’t own it, or will not have it for long. Please carefully consider that statement.

    I would methodically begin to exchange the digital figures I see in my bank account or investment portfolio for tangible items that meet the above criteria. Based on information I’ve received from each source, the U.S. dollar will continue to hold some value, at least for a period of time. That is the actual currency you have in your pocket or safe at home, depending upon your station in life. Accordingly. I would have at least 1-3 months worth of currency on hand, in various denominations, as you should not expect to be able to use ATMs or make withdrawals from your bank or investment portfolio.

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    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

