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Last Word: American Thinker Pushes Leftist Myth 14th Amendment Citizen Is NBC

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  • Last Word: American Thinker Pushes Leftist Myth 14th Amendment Citizen Is NBC

    Last Word: American Thinker Pushes Leftist Myth 14th Amendment Citizen Is Natural Born Citizen

    Birther Report



    Note to American Thinker's Ken Blackwell, Bob Morrison, and J.R. Dunn. If you don't like Article II of the Constitution then seek to have it amended. Crapping all over it and misleading your readers is disgusting and shameful. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Bobby Jindal are citizens of the United States but they are not "natural born Citizens" of the United States. See here and here.

    Either you three are the stupidest fools on the planet or you are purposely misleading the readers of American Thinker. And judging by the lashings you're receiving in the comment threads they clearly are not stupid. Again, if you don't like the Article II requirement then have it amended. Articles in question declaring several potential, and ineligible, presidential candidates eligible, here and here.

    You say:

    "Consider this historical question: Could it have been the original intent of the Founders to disqualify themselves from serving as president? It was not until Martin Van Buren, eighth president, that we elected a man who had been born an American citizen."

    I was going to point out the Grandfather Clause to you but your reader Countryman did it for me:

    "Pardon, you apparently didn't read Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 5 of the Constitution. They qualified themselves by saying, and I quote: "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution..."

    That took care of those who were previously citizens of Great Britain, and of course their parents could not have been citizens of the United States either.

    Clearly, they differentiated between being a citizen and a natural born citizen, as you would posit differently in your talk about Rubio, Jindal, and Haley being citizens, therefore eligible.

    After further thought, I can't believe the two of you are that stupid not to have read the exception clause at some point, and understood what it meant. Therefore, that leaves me with the conclusion that you think we're that stupid. Thanks a lot!" [ ]

    You then say:

    "The Fourteenth Amendment says this about being a U.S. citizen: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

    Last time we checked, Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina were all part of the United States. And all these bouncing 1970s babies were subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.

    So we think the silly season in presidential politics should be closed down, early. We believe that Cruz, Haley, Jindal, and Rubio are all eligible to serve as president. Now, this is not the same thing as endorsing any one of them. But, it's a safe bet than any one of these worthies is capable of being a better president than the one we now have.

    If conservatives want to be a majority of the electorate, we need to welcome, not put off, immigrants and children of immigrants. Any other stance will result in our "self-deporting" ourselves as conservatives -- from the White House. [...]"

    Last time WE checked(and a judge ruled) the Fourteenth Amendment did not repeal the "natural born Citizen" clause of Article II:

    “No person EXCEPT a natural born Citizen, OR a CITIZEN of the United States, AT THE TIME of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President;..." - Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution -

    This has nothing to do with whether the candidates parents are immigrants or not. This is about the rule of law and upholding the U.S. Constitution. Not just the parts YOU agree with. Keep pushing the leftist views and a conservative will never be back in the White House.

    REALITY: Constitutional Law Professor Herb Titus Explains What Natural Born Citizen Really Means - VIDEO ...

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman