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Even left finds DHS ammo buy 'very troubling' -- WND, Drew Zahn

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  • Even left finds DHS ammo buy 'very troubling' -- WND, Drew Zahn

    Even left finds DHS ammo buy 'very troubling'

    Billions of bullets and growing police force not just a right-wing bogeyman


    Drew Zahn


    The White House may paint worries over drones in American skies, federal agencies buying up billions of bullets and local police forces arming themselves with military-style equipment as just “bogeyman” issues of the radical right, but an interview on New York City’s WABC Radio reveals even the left is starting to grow worried.

    Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Code Pink, a left-wing “peace and social justice movement” known for its colorful marches and protests, told WABC host Aaron Klein the potential for the Obama administration to abuse its growing domestic police power is “extremely troubling.”

    Klein asked Benjamin, author of “Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control,” if she was concerned that military-style drones now authorized to fly over U.S. skies could be used against American citizens, the same question that prompted U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., to filibuster in the Senate earlier this month.

    “Very much so,” Benjamin replied. “We see a militarization of the U.S. police forces here in the United States, and it’s a very troubling tendency.”

    Furthermore, Benjamin charged she was “upset” that liberal Democrats – who might question and fight the federal government’s growing police powers under a Republican administration – “have been very quiet when this is happening under Obama.”

    Klein brought up concerns, such as those reported by WND, that the federal Department of Homeland Security and other non-military federal agencies have opened purchase orders for 1.5 billion or more rounds of ammunition over the last year. The ammo buy has been only one of several indications of a bigger, stronger and more militarized police presence in the U.S.

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    View the complete article, including video, at:
    B. Steadman