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Tea party to boycott FOX news until FOX reports about Obama’s use of forged IDs ...

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  • Tea party to boycott FOX news until FOX reports about Obama’s use of forged IDs ...

    Pass it on: Tea party to boycott FOX news until FOX reports the truth about Obama’s use of forged IDs and a stolen CT SSN

    Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

    Orly Taitz, Esq.

    Please participate and pass this on to your conservative friends. Thanks!

    Fox News refuses to cover the various Obama eligibility issues despite the fact that conservatives want this matter investigated. If Fox wants to go after CNN’s audience, that’s their choice. Whether or not they lose us in the process is our choice. Please note that has Fox has not only avoided coverage of this story to protect Obama, on the rare occasions when they have given a small amount of air time to it, they’ve actually passed on misinformation.

    1. Fox News was wrong when Bill O’Reilly said Barack Obama had a CT Social security number because Barack Obama Sr. had lived there. There is no record of Barack Obama Sr. ever living there.
    2. Fox misquoted an expert when Jana Winter claimed computer expert Jean-Claude Tremblay said Obama’s birth certificate was legit. Tremblay has asked Ms. Winter many times for a correction, but she refuses to honor his request. He’s written about the matter on his blog.

    We might expect this from CNN or MSNBC, but not from Fox News.


    Mark Gillar

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    Last edited by bsteadman; 03-20-2013, 02:46 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Tea Partiers To Boycott Fox Over Eligibility and Benghazi Coverage

    Obama State Ballot Challenge


    First I’d heard of it. Not too well publicized. I remember a previous one, when Orly Taitz, Rev. James Manning, my brother and others picketed Fox. I think Fox sucks almost as much as the MSM. They are gradually becoming MSM. There are no TV news programs I regularly watch anymore. It would be worth doing it just for 3 days of peace and quiet in your house and to make a point.


    Are you tired of watching Fox News drift farther and farther to the left? Have you been left in shock as Fox News’s on-air personalities not only won’t admit to there being a problems with Barack Obama’s birth certificate, social security number and selective service card, but they actually join with the left in ridiculing those intelligent enough to understand that much of Barack Hussein Obama’s life narrative has been manufactured?If so, help us send Fox News a message between March 21st and 24th. If Fox News wants to go after CNN’s audience, that is certainly their choice. Whether or not they lose conservative viewers in the process is our choice.Please pass this notice on to your conservative friends who are tired of watching Fox News join with the NBCs and MSNBCs of the world in protecting Obama on the various eligibility issues. Everyone in the media and in congress knows Obama has presented altered or completely fake documents to the American people. Rather than do something about it, they’ve decided to cover it up. This simply cannot be allowed to take place and we must communicate with them in the only terms they understand. When we stop watching, they will lose avertising revenue. We must give Fox a choice between the handful of moderates they hope to steal from CNN and keeping Tea Partiers who make up a large portion of their viewership.As always, thanks for opening and reading the Tea Party Telegram, the official newsletter of

    Please forward this email on to your conservative friends who might enjoy reading it as well as your liberal friends who will not. To listen to my archived radio programs, please visit the following link:

    If you have not already signed our petition asking congress to do its job by investigating Obama’s birth certificate, selective service card, and social security number, you may do so by clicking on the following link.

    Thank You

    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman

