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Army Veteran Takes Allen West To Task For Dodging Obama Identity Document Fraud

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  • Army Veteran Takes Allen West To Task For Dodging Obama Identity Document Fraud

    Army Veteran Takes Allen West To Task For Dodging Obama Identity Document Fraud

    Birther Report



    Army Veteran Takes Allen West To Task For Dodging Obama Identity Document Fraud For Political Reasons

    To Allen West from An American Veteran: “Sir, Lead, Follow, or Get the Hell Out of the Way.”
    By Chris Farrell @ Facebook via PPSIMMONS -

    Colonel (Ret.) Allen West's response to Pastor Carl Gallups of the famous Freedom Friday Gulf Coast radio talk-show and lead detective of Sheriff Joe's volunteer Cold Case Posse Mike Zullo when presented with the overwhelming evidence at CPAC that Mister Obama has presented the American people with unquestionably forged documents in a cover-up of unprecedented magnitude and gravity was with words to the effect that he could not act on the criminal usurpation of the presidency because he 'might have to run for political office someday.'

    Pastor Gallups: “…when everything was said and done, he saw all the evidence that caused very important people on Capitol Hill and at CPAC to have their jaws on the table and to say to us ‘we will do further things’ and that’s all I can tell you right now. So, Allen West, this so-called “champion” of the Conservative cause, he hears and sees the very same stuff—here’s his reaction, ‘Well I can’t do anything with this because I might run for political office.’ I kid you not! And THAT’S what’s wrong with Washington! You know—and because he’s supposed to be the champion of the conservative movement so people are fooled by him—He’s not near the man you might think he is. I’m telling you. I was there with him for three or four days. Now, he may change. He may come around. He might wind up being a huge champion of this movement. Especially, and here’s what’s going to happen—you watch—some of these other people that he doesn’t even know about are going to come forward and make this into a big deal; they’re going to start being heroes with the American public, and Allen West is going to pile-on and say, ‘Oh yeah, I was there all along,’ you watch, but I’ll call him out on it.”

    In response to Colonel West’s shocking betrayal for the reason of protecting his political aspirations, this honorably discharged US Army veteran, (11-Charlie—Infantry Heavy Mortar; 13-E—Artillery Fire Direction Control, and O.J.T. Armor Crewman, M-60A2) who has up to now been among Alan West’s strongest supporters, humbly exhorts the colonel to lead, follow, or get the Hell out of the way.

    Those of us who have strongly supported you as a representative of the Conservative restoration of our Republic are astonished and disgusted that you have chosen to disregard your duty to defend the Constitution according to the officer’s oath you swore to before God for the reason you have stated in no uncertain terms.

    So much for your supposedly staunch defense of the Constitution and all the principles ‘We the People’ hold dear embodied within the American experiment in government of the people.

    Perhaps you will have your office publish an unabridged list of those Articles and Amendments within the Constitution that you are indeed willing to defend and those which you do not deem worthy of defending. That would greatly help those of us who have supported you whole heartedly in deciding whether or not to do so in the future.

    Another colonel who served with honor in the United States Army—former Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, a surgeon in America's finest, the 101st Airborne Division of the US Army, the 'Screaming Eagles' with which all Army personnel are familiar with if only by the cadence called in virtually every training battalion in the Army: 'One "O" One..., Patch on my shoulder..., Pick up your weapon and follow me..., I am the Airborne Infantry!’ comes to mind. I’m sure you are familiar with the cadence called. The dedication to Doctor Lakin’s book ‘Officer’s Oath’ reads “Why my vow to defend the Constitution demanded that I sacrifice my career.” How brilliantly Dr. Lakin’s statement of sacrifice stands out in contrast to your response to Pastor Carl Gallups which epitomizes a spirit of self-preservation, self-aggrandizement.

    Dr. Lakin was reduced in rank, court martialed, sentenced to serve time in Ft. Leavenworth military prison, and dishonorably discharged for simply requesting—as is his duty in keeping with the officer's oath he took to defend the Constitution—authentication that his purported commander-in-chief did in fact legally occupy said rank and wield the military authority of said rank before re-deploying to a combat theater of operations where he would have, once again, served as a surgeon attending to American wounded. He was not concerned with future opportunities he may have had to run for political office.

    Another retired US Army colonel, Colonel (Ret.) Lawrence Sellin, elaborates on the critical state of affairs in which America presently finds herself in a shockingly sobering interview with constitutionally eligible 2012 presidential candidate Dr. Laurie Roth. Col. Sellin postulates that only rebellion can save the American experiment in government of the people from failure upon the path that the United States is presently heading towards political and economic catastrophe.

    Perhaps Col. (Ret.) Allen West will reconsider his priorities on the matter of the criminal usurpation of the presidency by a fraud, and forger, and worse: a Muslim practicing taqqiya.

    Mr. Obama’s criminal usurpation of the presidency represents the single most sinister threat to the national security of the United States of America in our country’s history. We have an enemy agent of Islam practicing taqqiya illegally occupying the Oval Office and aiding our enemy, Islam, to the best of his ability.

    Please listen to the podcast recording of Col. Sellin’s interview with Dr. Laurie Roth at, and please support Dr. Terry Lakin at

    Sincerely, Chris Farrell

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman