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Homeland Security - Security for Who? -- The Parallelax Prophecies, Ron Ewart

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  • Homeland Security - Security for Who? -- The Parallelax Prophecies, Ron Ewart

    Homeland Security - Security for Who?

    The Federal Observer

    Original Article Posted 3/24/2013 by Ron Ewart on 'The Parallax Prophecies" -

    NOTE: We will be devoting this and future columns to why government has become the enemy of the people, by highlighting government agencies, their history and their actions, with the goal of getting more Americans to take on their government by uniting as Americans for America.

    The U. S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) came into being shortly after the attack of September 11, 2001 on the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington DC, under the Homeland Security Act of 2002. The new DHS combined 22 agencies under one presidential cabinet level bureaucracy. The department’s stated mission is to protect the “homeland” from terrorist attacks, except in the process DHS, with the help of their private partner and radical left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, have labeled American patriots, conservatives and returning vets as domestic terrorists.

    About the same time, the Congress and President Bush passed the Patriot Act in a knee-jerk reaction to the 9/11 attack without regard to constitutional violations. What next ….. drone surveillance or assassination of American citizens in America, warrantless arrests under the NDAA, National ID cards, RFID identity chips implanted under the skin, or just outright confiscation (stealing) of our bank deposits, IRA’s and 401K’s, Cyprus style? Sure, these are stretches, but what or who will stop government if they decide to do it?

    Unfortunately, when you give a government agency power without a lot of oversight, they exercise that power way beyond the limits of their charter, because that is the nature of government. All cabinet level departments have done this over the last several decades, only under Obama it has increased. Even state and local bureaucracies take on this arrogant, “we-are-the-masters” posture. They think they own us. They have become little tin Gods who yell at us,”… obey the law or else!” Some brave Americans resist, but today over half the American people think government does own us and they don’t care because they are getting “free stuff”. How easily they have surrendered their freedom.

    In any event, we were very curious as to why DHS purchased about 1,600,000,000 rounds of ammunition (much of it the deadly hollow-points) and 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles? DHS is not part of the military so why would they be stockpiling such huge quantities of ammunition and weapons, enough ammunition to pump five bullets into each American, man, woman and child? As we mentioned in a previous column, on January 31, 2013 we filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with DHS asking them to produce documents for three specific questions. We also requested a fee waiver under the provisions of 5 USC S 552 4(A)(iii). You can view our FOIA request in PDF format HERE. We requested documents regarding:

    1. Who (name and title) at DHS approved the purchases of ammunition and assault rifles?

    2. What agencies were designated to receive the ammunition and rifles?

    3. Where did the money come from to make the purchases and who in the Congress authorized the purchases?

    Sounds simple enough doesn’t it? It is anything but simple when it comes to government. We received a long letter from DHS a couple of weeks later telling us the fee waiver was approved and we could expect the documents in about 30 working days. Then, just the other day we received another letter from DHS saying that they had funneled our FOIA request out to eight (8) different agencies under DHS and on the same day we received letters from two of those agencies denying our fee waiver. We were incensed by this side-step maneuver by DHS and fired off a certified letter to Secretary Janet Napolitano indicating our displeasure with their decision and a few other well-chosen words. We sent a copy of the letter to U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder at the U. S. Department of Justice as well.

    Our letter fully explains how we felt about their attempts to divert attention away from DHS for the purchases. Readers are welcome to share it, if they deem it appropriate. In fact, we encourage them to share it. Our readers might even consider sharing their thoughts with Madame Secretary Napolitano.

    Our letter to Napolitano expresses our view as well as the views of millions of other freedom-loving Americans about how we are arrogantly treated by government, at all levels. Unfortunately, government will continue to be arrogant and abusive if we don’t challenge them, en masse. They have the “guns” and the “bullets” that they just bought with our money. Nevertheless, we’re challenging them at our own risk, as we know that they are monitoring our website daily! Will you challenge them? Or, are you going to just watch from the shadows and let others take the risks and fight the fight and hope you don’t get noticed? There is a name for that.

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman