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Alarming Footage: Who Is Really Using Chemical Weapons in Syria? - FrontPage Magazine

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  • Alarming Footage: Who Is Really Using Chemical Weapons in Syria? - FrontPage Magazine

    Alarming Footage: Who Is Really Using Chemical Weapons in Syria?

    FrontPage Magazine

    Theodore and Walid Shoebat


    In December of last year we revealed that the Syrian rebels had in their hands potent chemical weapons and were testing them on rabbits, and we predicted that they will use them on innocents.

    Well now it is happening.

    Recent new evidence translated from Arabic sources reveals the likelihood that it was the Muslim rebels (FSA) — and not the Assad regime — that carried out a chemical attack on the town of Khan al-Assal, west of Aleppo.

    We have captured clips that were never translated (until now) showing rebels revealing heavy arsenals including weapons of mass destruction that contain chemical agents.

    Russia says that it was the FSA that carried out the massacre while the White House says that there is no evidence that the rebels are responsible.

    In Arab circles, the blaming goes back and forth. The Syrian government blames the FSA and vise-versa.

    So who do we believe?

    Even if we examine the sources in Arabic we find that the reporting on this story is usually done by masters of confusion. For example, how can an FSA reporter film an exploded chemical rocket at a close distance and remain alive?

    But if we examine the videos during all the clashes between the FSA and the Syrian military we find much evidence from footage never seen in the West (until now) showing that weapons cache of scuds, tanks, Sam-7 rockets and even weapons of mass destruction (chemical as well as biological) are falling into the hands of FSA rebels.

    In one video that we found, the Syrian rebels, after taking an airbase, show the substantial amount of scud missiles now in their hands:

    And just when you think that these rebels are too primitive to figure out how to fire these missiles, here
    (embedded in article) is a video of them actually launching one:

    The chemical attack in Khan al-Assal is said to have been done by Assad, but as people are swayed to believing the jihadist rebels, we have first hand testimony from just one of the multitude of victims of this tragedy:

    Also, there are some important facts that we have to take into perspective:

    The assault happened in the town of Khan al-Assal, a predominately Shiite town. The Syrian revolution is a Sunni movement, and one of its main goals is to remove the Shiite Assad regime. The town has also been a common victim of attacks by Al-Qaeda, a Sunni organization. This is an indication that the attack was conducted by Sunnis, and not the government — which is Shiite.

    Moreover, neither the rebels nor the government deny that amongst the victims were military personal. In fact, it is said that out of the 26 dead 16 were Syrian soldiers.

    Why would a Shiite government orchestrate a terrorist attack on its own soldiers especially in a Shiite town?


    View the complete article, including videos, at:
    B. Steadman