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Is Obama Following Hitler's Youth Program? -- Give Us Liberty

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  • Is Obama Following Hitler's Youth Program? -- Give Us Liberty

    Congress needs to demand that Obama produce the documents that Donald Trump offered $5,000,000.00, to a charity of Obama's choice, by Obama simply producing those documents, which Obama declined to produce. The obvious question is why, the answer unfortunately is also obvious, because Obama simply cannot, since they would prove that Obama was never qualified to hold office, those documents would prove that Obama came to America, as a foreign exchange student and was granted admission under affirmative action, with an Indonesian passport.

    Is Obama Following Hitler's Youth Program?

    by Gabor Zolna

    Give Us Liberty

    Gary Wilmott


    Is Obama Following Hitler's Youth Program?

    It certainly appears that way, based on the latest FEMA application, dated March 25, 2013 copy attached

    As you can see there are many similarities, FEMA's age requirements starts at 12 and include 17 year olds as well. If I am not mistaken on October 19, 2012, DHS graduated their first class of 231 new graduates what DHS referred to as "Blue Shirts". copy attached,

    Obama's Blue Shirts: Homeland Security graduates 1st class of ...

    Oct 20, 2012 – Obama's Blue Shirts: Homeland Security graduates 1st class of FEMA Youth Corps .... The Blue Shirts will now be deployed to their first assignments,... as well as President Obama's recent Executive Order, the answer is ...

    Hitler Youth was first created in the 1920's, Their membership grew and by 1933 they had over 100,000 active participants. Once Hitler came to power all other youth movements were abolished and the ranks of the Hitler Youth grew at a dramatic pace and by 1936, they had well over four million active members.

    Boys beginning at the age of ten joined the "German Youth People," at the age of 13 they transferred into the "Hitler Youth" and remained there until they turned 18, when they were then able to join the regular military. Certain individuals that fit the stringent requirements established by the SS, were later chosen to join the SS.

    Girls were allowed to join at the age of ten, and once they turned 14 they were transferred to the "League of German Girls,", they were trained to bear the future of Germany and produce health and strong future generations of German's. There were significant demands of fitness required for both boys and girls.

    It certainly appears that the pieces of the puzzle are all coming together, and the picture that they are creating is for those that are aware of what is going on, is terrifying. I am amazed that 535 Members of Congress allow this madness to continue. They all cannot be that stupid not to see the writing on the wall!

    Congress needs to demand that Obama produce the documents that Donald Trump offered $5,000,000.00, to a charity of Obama's choice, by Obama simply producing those documents, which Obama declined to produce. The obvious question is why, the answer unfortunately is also obvious, because Obama simply cannot, since they would prove that Obama was never qualified to hold office, those documents would prove that Obama came to America, as a foreign exchange student and was granted admission under affirmative action, with an Indonesian passport
    Last edited by bsteadman; 03-26-2013, 06:33 PM.
    B. Steadman