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Unraveling the Benghazi cover-up -- Canada Free Press, Doug Hagmann

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  • Unraveling the Benghazi cover-up -- Canada Free Press, Doug Hagmann

    Unraveling the Benghazi cover-up

    Canada Free Press

    Doug Hagmann


    It will be exactly 40 years ago this May 17th that the Senate Watergate Committee, a special, broad committee convened by the United States Senate, began hearings to investigate the Watergate burglaries and a criminal cover-up of those activities. At the epicenter of those hearings was then-President Richard Nixon.

    Just over a year later, the committee released its 1,254-page report of findings. When the dust settled, forty administration officials were indicted and several of Nixon’s aides were charged and convicted for obstruction of justice and other crimes.

    A cover-up pointed directly to the White House. Facing impeachment proceedings, then-President Richard M. Nixon resigned, assuming his place in American history as the only president ever to resign. It was described as the worst scandal in U.S. history… perhaps until now.

    If history tells us anything, it tells us that it’s not just about the crime, it’s also about the cover-up. It’s about seeking the truth but being stonewalled at every turn, and being treated as subjects undeserving of the truth rather than citizens asking reasonable questions but being denied answers.

    The same level of inquiries that unraveled the complexities of the Watergate cover-up are required to unravel the ball of lies that surrounds the September 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including a sitting U.S. Ambassador. Within this ball of lies, however, exists not only the covert agenda of an administration, but the fate of the world. Unraveling this ball of lies will reveal official government actions that have been and continue to be performed in our name but without our consent. It will reveal a government agenda that has have spun wildly out of control, leaving no one accountable as we stand at a very critical moment in world history. It’s about a cover-up of monumental proportions that is reminiscent of, but hardly in league with, the cover-up of a generation ago.

    Today, the stakes are much higher, as we stand at the precipice of a global conflict because of deeds being done in our name under a level of unprecedented and unchecked deception. Ultimately, it’s about getting the truth, which has been kept from each of us through lies of commission and omission, clever semantics, and outright refusals to provide answers to important questions. We were force-fed a preplanned lie from day one, much like the thinly veiled cover story of the Watergate burglary, but with much greater consequences.

    All investigations, however, must have a beginning. On May 8, 2013, the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will conduct a single, day-long hearing on the events that took place in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including a U.S. ambassador. Interestingly, the hearing is being conducted under the title Benghazi: Exposing Failure and Recognizing Courage.

    This one-day hearing is being convened to “examine evidence that Obama Administration officials have attempted to suppress information about errors and reckless misjudgments,” and will include some witness testimony. That seems to be a fairly ambitious agenda for a single day of investigation in Washington. It is, however, a start, and an opportunity for all Americans to see just how deep the lies go.

    Demanding answers

    The hearing is a result, in part, of the “interim progress report” released by the House committee on Benghazi last week. Clearly, the information contained in this and other reports illustrates that there is a much deeper, much larger, and much more sinister plan that is being covered up by administration officials.

    Forty years ago the cover-up of the motives behind a burglary produced some 319 hours of televised testimony. By comparison, one day of testimony is hardly enough time to conduct a serious investigation, considering what is at stake for our nation.

    The events in Benghazi must be understood in the context in which they occurred. A thorough, in-depth investigation will reveal that attack was the result of our broader foreign policy of taking down the leadership of other nations, especially in this case, Libya and Syria. An agenda that has ignited the fuse for World War III. An agenda of militarization of the diplomatic-military-industrial complex that puts us on the road to Damascus at excessive speeds and with reckless abandon.

    Given the significance of events, a broader investigation is needed, much like a generation ago. The reason a broader investigation is necessary must also be understood. So too must the limitations of a single day of hearings.

    The big picture

    We know that the operations in Benghazi and throughout Libya were coordinated by a number of different government agencies and sub-agencies. Coordination of the activities of these agencies most likely occurred at the behest of persons outside of any individual agencies at an administration security council level. This results in compartmentalization, where one individual, group or agency only has information specific to their part in the operation.

    Additionally, the money for the contractors involved in the operations taking place in Libya might have come from one agency or program, although the administration of the contractors might have been directed by officers or agents of yet another agency. When understood in this context, we see that there can be little accountability of the larger operation, especially within the limitations of a single day of testimony.

    Due to this operational compartmentalization, various individuals involved in Benghazi have only a single piece of a much larger puzzle. While they might want or feel the need to come forward, they are hamstrung by not having the complete operational picture. Coming forward in a limited venue, without the benefit of inter-agency operational plans, would prevent the pieces of the larger puzzle from being connected. Given such limitations, the testimony of such witnesses could be improperly questioned or even impeached.

    To be certain, this administration is very well aware of this compartmentalization and will fight any call for a broader inquiry of all the agencies involved. A broader investigation, or the seating of a Select Committee on the attacks and subsequent handling of Benghazi, would provide a proper venue where all agencies can be assembled and questioned so that the components of the bigger picture can be gathered.

    .................................................. .

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Graham: ‘I Think the Dam Is About to Break on Benghazi’

    Washington Free Beacon

    Washington Free Beacon Staff


    Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) wrote Tuesday he believes major revelations about the lead up to the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, are imminent, in a Facebook message:

    “I think the dam is about to break on Benghazi. We’re going to find a system failure before, during, and after the attacks.

    “We’re going to find political manipulation seven weeks before an election. We’re going to find people asleep at the switch when it comes to the State Department, including Hillary Clinton.

    “The bond that has been broken between those who serve us in harms way and the government they serve is huge — and to me every bit as damaging as Watergate.”

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'Graham: ‘I Think the Dam Is About to Break on Benghazi’, which was started 5/7/2013 by 'F15Eagle'

      The thread references a 5/7/2013 Washington Free Beacon article, via Drudge -

      View the complete Free Republic thread at:

      To: F15Eagle

      Unfortunately Graham and husband McCain were leading the charge to get into the Libyan mess to begin with.

      I don’t trust them. They just want to be out front to cut off anything that may blow back on them.

      11 posted on Tuesday, May 07, 2013 1:04:54 PM by cripplecreek (REMEMBER THE RIVER RAISIN!)

      To: F15Eagle

      > “We’re going to find a ***system failure*** before, during, and after the attacks.”

      ***system failure*** Well Lindsey sir, you are awash in Beltway Government lingo. It seems the root explanations are much simpler than ***system failure***. It’s about liars, prevarications and political cover. It also borders on treason.

      I believe the ‘system’ was and is capable to work as designed but the decision-makers in control are subverting the ‘system’.

      18 posted on Tuesday, May 07, 2013 1:08:56 PM by Hostage (Be Breitbart!)

      To: Hostage; M-cubed

      You can already see Graham setting up the Obama/Clinton save!

      Words like, "system failure" and "asleep at the switch" all words to deflect responsibility from individuals, namely Obama and Clinton.

      Make no mistake, Graham and McCain are setting out to whitewash this all by blaming "the system". Like storm clouds, you can just see the pattern forming.

      24 posted on Tuesday, May 07, 2013 1:14:34 PM by Obadiah (High speed, low drag.)

      To: F15Eagle

      More unanswered questions:

      What’s Behind Obama’s Military Purge?

      ... Since the Sept. 11 Benghazi, Libya, massacre, President Barack Obama has sacked his CIA director and two of his top military commanders,demoted one and found another caught up in the scandal involving the CIA director. This many top commanders being relieved at one time is unprecedented in U.S. history

      … The dismissal of Ham is interesting because there are reports that he had assets in place set to rescue Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens and his team but was ordered to stand down. According to,Ham was receiving the same emails the White House was receiving requesting support as the attack was under way. Ham got a rapid response unit ready and communicated that with the Pentagon. When he was told to stand down,Ham responded he was not going to obey the order. Less than a minute later,his second in command told Ham that he had been relieved of his command.

      59 posted on Tuesday, May 07, 2013 1:36:01 PM by opentalk

      To: Fitzy_888

      Obama will sacrifice Hillary.

      The real question is, will Hillary then reveal what she knows about Obomba?

      He may be so worried about that, that he will cover for Hillary.

      Hopefully the firestorm will continue to rage.

      Let the chips fall where they may.

      78 posted on Tuesday, May 07, 2013 1:51:34 PM by F15Eagle (1Jn4:15;5:4-5,11-13;Mt27:50-54;Mk15:33-34;Jn3:17-18,6:69,11:25,14:6,20:31;Ro10:8-11;1Tm2:5-6;Ti3:4-7)
      Last edited by bsteadman; 05-07-2013, 07:12 PM.
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Purported Benghazi Drone Operator Calls Hannity with New Details: We Weren’t Able to Be Armed & No One Has Contacted Me


        Erica Ritz


        A man identifying himself as one of the drone operators on point during the September 11 Benghazi attack called Sean Hannity’s radio show yesterday, alleging more information about the scene on the ground and the Obama administration’s handling of the attack.

        According to the man, named only as “John in Iowa,” neither the administration nor Congress has even attempted to speak to him about what he saw during the attack.

        He told Hannity: “The video footage — when we initially got on station and we were told to go down to the consulate — it was already under attack. It was already on fire [when we got there]. We were asked then to go to the annex to just try to watch and make sure that the individuals in the annex were not going to be coming under attack there either…”

        He continued: “If anything were to happen, this video is being disseminated to multiple locations and agencies around the globe. So surely once individuals saw that there was a grave problem on a U.S. Embassy/Consulate, phone calls I would’ve think should’ve been made and started going up the chain, and eventually it would’ve hit the State Department. If it did not, individuals were remiss in their duties.”

        John reiterated that they were working for an agency that already knew there was a problem in Benghazi; that’s why they were sent there.

        He continued:

        “There were dozens if not hundreds of people surrounding the consulate. There were cars continually driving by and stopping, and it was at that time — we were only over the consulate for maybe about five minutes when we were told to then go watch the CIA annex.

        Our guys that were inside of there were on the rooftops, and they were looking in the direction of the consulate, and we were told, just watch the entries and the exits of the consulate and make sure no one’s trying to break in and get them there. But we wouldn’t have been able to do much anyway because of the [agreement] with the host countries where we’re located. We were not able to be armed that night.” [Emphasis added]

        “I’m just a little surprised that you’re telling me all this and that nobody in Congress has contacted you,” Hannity said. “I would think that you’d be one of the main people they’d want to talk to.”


        View the complete article, including video, at:
        Last edited by bsteadman; 05-07-2013, 11:14 PM.
        B. Steadman

