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Hillary's criminality no concern to Republicans

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  • Hillary's criminality no concern to Republicans

    Hillary's criminality no concern to Republicans

    Exclusive: Larry Klayman calls for citizens' grand jury to hold politicians accountable


    Larry Klayman


    The Benghazi hearings this week before House Chairman Darrell Issa’s Oversight and Government Reform Committee were a stark reminder of how congressional Republicans and former Republican independent counsels Ken Starr and Robert Ray shirked their duties and subverted justice when they let both Hillary Clinton and hubby “President Bill” off the hook in the late 1990s for their more than 40 major scandals and rampant criminality.

    Failing to impeach and convict – as well as indict, try and imprison – the “Bonnie and Clyde” of American politics, the fearsome and “dynamic” duo of crime has come back to haunt, torment, torture and harm not only the Grand Old Party, but much more importantly the American people and the nation as a whole. Lest we forget the Clintons’ prolific felonious behavior during their administration, here is just brief recap.

    These purveyors of crime committed bank and other fraud in a scandal known as Whitewater, fired White House Travel Office employees to then hire their friends and when called on the carpet about his caper sicced the Internal Revenue Office on the head of the Travel Office, Billy Dale. They also illegally obtained and misused more than 900 FBI files to smear and destroy perceived adversaries, took bribes from the communist Chinese and others to fill their presidential campaign coffers and help pay for the Clinton library in Little Rock, Ark., feloniously sold seats on government-sponsored trade missions at then Secretary Ron Brown’s Commerce Department, disclosed U.S. government high-tech classified information concerning missile accuracy and satellites to the Chinese in exchange for additional bribes, smeared, threatened and attempted to destroy several women who had had affairs with Bill and were willing to talk to the media and testify during the Monica Lewinsky and related scandals, illegally released Privacy Act-protected employment information about one of the other women Bill Clinton had harassed, Kathleen Willey (which Judge Royce Lamberth of the federal court in Washington, D.C., ruled was a crime), shook down donors for the ability to have them stay in the Lincoln Bedroom of the White House for $100,000 a pop, sold judgeships and other government jobs to the highest bidder and also sold presidential pardons to major criminals like Mark Rich. They obstructed justice by hiding more than 1 million emails relevant to my court cases against them at Judicial Watch, and congressional and independent counsel investigations, took illegal insurance payments from insurance carriers State Farm and Chubb to pay their legal bills, illegally raised money from Americans to further pay their legal bills through illicit legal defense funds (the law prohibits gratuities to federal officials), instigated IRS audits of perceived adversaries to destroy them, arranged for and took illegal campaign contributions to finance Hillary’s 2000 Senate campaign, attempted to steal White House furniture when their term ended (there was no crime that as beneath Bonnie and Clyde), and a host of other crimes too long to mention in this column.

    And, for “good measure,” to top it all off, more than 80 people, many of whom were material witnesses, “mysteriously” died during the Clinton administration. Lists of these dead people were not coincidentally left on the office chairs of such whistleblowers as Linda Tripp (the person who initially revealed the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal and kept Monica’s now infamous semen stained dress) and the White House employees who came forward to expose the Clintons’ failure to produce incriminating emails to Judicial Watch, the court, Congress and the independent counsels in investigations of Clinton criminality, as a warning not to cooperate with law enforcement authorities.

    So it came as no surprise when it was revealed this week at the House Benghazi hearings that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton through State Department official Cheryl Mills (not coincidentally her chief of staff and criminal facilitator during the Clinton White House years) and others had attempted to coerce and threaten these brave whistleblowers from coming forward to disclose that the former first lady had ignored pleas to buttress security at the consulate, as well as covered up the cause for the terrorist attack that left our Ambassador Christopher Stephens and three other patriotic Americans dead as a result. This obstruction of justice is “vintage” Hillary.

    Importantly, at the “end” of the Clinton years in the White House, independent counsel Robert Ray issued a report that found Hillary had, among other criminal misdeeds, committed perjury when she was subpoenaed and then forced to appear and testify under oath before a grand jury. But Ray, for his own political purposes – as he then was planning to run for the U.S. Senate in New Jersey – declined to prosecute her, “copping out” that a predominantly black District of Columbia jury, which would have likely had Democrat and pro-Clinton sympathies, would never convict her. I wrote extensively about the Clinton scandals and my role in uncovering and prosecuting them in my book, “Whores: Why and How I Came to Fight the Establishment.”

    After the Benghazi hearings concluded Wednesday, House Chairman Darrell Issa was interviewed by Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren and asked whether or not criminal charges would be pursued against Hillary and her accomplices like Cheryl Mills for obstruction of justice and related illegal acts. Typically responding in “establishment Republican fashion,” Issa told Greta that his focus was not on pursuing justice for these crimes, but making sure that the State Department protected its ambassadors and other embassy officials and employees in the future.

    During the Clinton White House years, Republicans took a similar tact after Democrats dug up dirt on their own dealings with communist China during the campaign finance congressional hearings of 1997. This leads me to question what dirt they now have may have dug up on Chairman Issa and his colleagues that would lead him and other Republican officials to again fail to legally take Hillary out by putting her in prison where she belongs and can do no further harm to the nation.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman