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White House Carney Plays Birther Card; What If Obama Birth Certificate Legitimate

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  • White House Carney Plays Birther Card; What If Obama Birth Certificate Legitimate

    Video: White House Carney Plays Birther Card; What If Obama Birth Certificate Legitimate

    Birther Report



    White House Clown Jay Carney Plays Birther Card: What If Obama Birth Certificate Legitimate - VIDEO BELOW:

    ( Clip via C-SPAN. Hat tip Helen Tansey @ T-Room. )


    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Inside the Beltway: Persistent birthers

    The Washington Times

    Jennifer Harper


    Yes, President Obama’s birth certificate was made public two years ago and even emblazoned upon a Democratic fundraiser coffee mug during the 2012 presidential campaign. But the “birther” issue which so intrigued Donald Trump has yet to disappear.

    “Since before he was elected, President Obama has been dogged by rumors that he was born outside of the United States and, therefore, ineligible to serve as president. Despite releasing his long-form birth certificate in 2011, these rumors have persisted. In particular, between 40 and 70 percent of Republicans still believe that President Obama may have been born outside of the U.S.,” says a wide-ranging poll released Tuesday by the Arthur Levitt Public Affairs Center at Hamilton College.

    “Most of those who question President Obama’s place of birth are not just expressing negative views toward him without considering the implications. When asked in a follow-up question about whether they thought being born outside of the U.S. would make Barack Obama ‘ineligible under the U.S. Constitution to be president,’ 72 percent of those who thought the president might have been born outside of the U.S. believed that he would be ineligible to be president,” the research states.

    “These results suggest that a substantial portion of Republicans is inclined to accept the worst about President Obama, regardless of facts, and believe that he is not a legitimate president, making it extremely difficult for him to overcome partisan polarization.”

    Ironically, White House press secretary Jay Carney made a passing quip about the president’s birth certificate Tuesday, as an example of Republican attempts to “politicize matters.” Mr. Obama himself made a comedic reference to his birthplace at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner last month, and the topic still surfaces on talk radio.

    “It seems like the birth certificate issue was dropped immediately as far as major media went. My gut tells me if it had been a different president, like say George W. Bush, they’d have been digging into that like there was no tomorrow,” noted Michigan state Sen. Tom Casperson, a Republican, during a February appearance on a Lansing-based show hosted by Michael Patrick Shiels.

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

