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REPUBLICAN INSIDER: “The Knife Has Republican Fingerprints All Over It”

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  • REPUBLICAN INSIDER: “The Knife Has Republican Fingerprints All Over It”

    REPUBLICAN INSIDER: “The Knife Has Republican Fingerprints All Over It”

    The Ulsterman Report



    [I]A brief (and very negative) message from a Republican Party operative with close ties to several high ranking Capitol Hill political figures, details how the fight is all but lost to prevent the Senate from sending a dangerous, costly, and irresponsible immigration reform bill to the Republican controlled House as early as today…

    ( “Isn’t it interesting how a year later it’s those same three Senators he called out by name way back when, who are now screwing the party on this immigration bill disaster? ” -R.I. )

    __________________________________________________ __

    The trap was set months ago and these Senate Republicans walked right into it. Seems to me their hatred for the Tea Party is a lot stronger than their differences with Democrats. I’ll say this, any respect I once had for John McCain is completely gone. That guy cares more about being loved and respected by his Democrat friends and the media than he does about representing the needs of Arizona. Lindsey Graham is just as bad. Matt Rimkunas is the biggest pile of crap up there. I didn’t realize it was Matt who was the one who got McCain to go all in on the federal climate control garbage ten years ago and has been “converting” Graham for the last five or six years. That is where the real poison up here is. These staffers. Where do they come from? Who is putting them here? These people are bouncing back and forth across the aisle and blurring all the lines that used to separate conservative and liberal. And they just flat out lie to your face. I’m just stunned right now. It didn’t used to be like this. Not this bad. Matt is already meeting with the Pelosi people before he meets with the Boehner people. What?? That means he had Senator Graham’s blessing to go ahead and do that.

    So we have the House left to block the bill and give the president his big immigration issue for 2014 or the House makes some amendments, the thing goes into committee, and the bill is passed anyways. It’s a horrible bill. Does nothing to protect the border, legalizes and rewards criminal behavior, and sets us up for even more election fraud down the road. The Democrats took our fear of this issue staying around for 2016 and beat us over the head with it and got enough of us who really should have known better to sign off on this crap.

    I’ve always been a very positive guy. Always tried to see the better in people. And I always thought that given the choice to do the right thing over the wrong thing, that I was working with the one political party that would do that a lot more than the other party. After days and weeks of fighting with these people to see common sense on this issue, it’s getting really hard to look at the work I’m doing that way anymore. You remember how upset -name deleted- was when McCain, Graham, and Ayotte stabbed him in the back on the scheduled Benghazi press conference that was supposed to happen BEFORE the November election? Isn’t it interesting how a year later it’s those same three Senators he called out by name way back when, who are now screwing the party on this immigration bill disaster? I hadn’t thought of that before, but he was doing more than just telling you about 2012 wasn’t he? -Name Deleted- was warning you very specifically about those three. I’m hearing they signed off on some deal to destroy the Tea Party. There’s no proof of it. Just a lot of whispers and from what I saw in a few of the meetings, especially the most recent ones, I’m believing it. I don’t want to, but those three have been so unwilling to listen to any other side that wasn’t about passing this immigration bill, it sure seems something like that is going on.

    Friend told me this morning that we still had Boehner to stall the bill. Boehner? God help us.

    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 06-28-2013, 03:37 PM.
    B. Steadman