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Call Crier of the House, demand “no bill, no vote on amnesty” -- Attorney Orly Taitz

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  • Call Crier of the House, demand “no bill, no vote on amnesty” -- Attorney Orly Taitz

    Call Crier of the House, demand “no bill, no vote on amnesty”

    Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

    Orly Taitz, Esq.


    EXCLUSIVE: House Speaker Unveils Official Portrait
    Sunday, July 07, 2013

    EXCLUSIVE: House Speaker Unveils Official Portrait

    Biff Spackle scoops the world, snapping an exclusive look at the Speaker’s official portrait.

    Obamacare is melting down, no one knows what the president did for 8 hours after learning American diplomats were being murdered in Benghazi, the IRS was caught targeting Obama’s political opposition, journalists are being monitored and harassed by the White House, and the Attorney General of the United States has been exposed as a serial perjurer.

    And what is John Boehner’s top priority? Not defunding the IRS. Not defunding Obamacare. Not naming a special investigative committee for these scandals. No. Boehner’s top priority is granting amnesty to tens of millions of illegals, the vast majority of whom are net drains on the national treasury and who will vote Democrat.


    View the complete post at:
    B. Steadman