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EYE OPENER! The Obama BC Fraud Technique Revealed? -- PPSIMMONS, Carl Gallups

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  • EYE OPENER! The Obama BC Fraud Technique Revealed? -- PPSIMMONS, Carl Gallups

    EYE OPENER! The Obama BC Fraud Technique Revealed?

    Are YOU Being 'Gaslighted?' YES - you are...


    Carl Gallups


    PPSIMMONS: Does this technique explain the Obama Fraud case frustration? Read on...we think your eyes will be opened.

    GASLIGHTING - From Wikipedia

    Gaslighting is a form of mental abuse in which false information is presented with the intent of making a victim doubt his or her own memory, perception and sanity.[1] Instances may range simply from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred, up to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim.

    The term derives from the 1938 stage play Gas Light (known as Angel Street in the United States), and the 1940 and 1944 film adaptations. The plot concerns a husband who attempts to convince his wife and others that she is insane by manipulating small elements of their environment, and subsequently insisting that she is mistaken or misremembering when she points out these changes. The title stems from the dimming of the house's gas lights which happens when the husband is using the gas lights in the attic while searching there for hidden treasure. The wife accurately notices the dimming lights, but the husband insists she is imagining.

    The term "gaslighting" has been used colloquially since at least the 1970s to describe efforts to manipulate someone's sense of reality. In a 1980 book on child sex abuse, Florence Rush summarized George Cukor's 1944 film version of Gas Light, and writes, "even today the word [gaslight] is used to describe an attempt to destroy another's perception of reality." The term was further popularized in Victor Santoro's 1994 book Gaslighting: How to Drive Your Enemies Crazy, which outlines ostensibly legal tactics the reader might use to annoy others.


    PPSIMMONS: Here is how it works:

    1. Gov't: No, we are NOT buying up ammo! No, we are not buying millions of rounds of ammo!
    Gov't when caught: Okay - yes we are buying ammo - but it is for target practice and the security of the country you silly nillys.

    2. Gov't: No, we are not using the IRS to punish our enemies. No we are NOT using the IRS to enforce our policies upon uncooperative people in media, etc.
    Gov't when caught: Okay - yes we did use the IRS to target people ....but, but, but...we also targeted liberal groups you silly nillys.
    Gov't when caught in the above lie: Okay - we did not target liberal groups - but we were willing to do so - for the good of the country you silly nillys. Besides, we did not do anything illegal. We've been doing this for a long time. Are you people crazy or something?

    3. Gov't: No, we did not tap reporters' lines. No we did not tap and target reporters' families. How ludicrous!
    Gov't when caught: Okay - we did. But, only a few...and it was for national security purposes you silly nillys.

    4. Gov't: No, we did not run guns into Mexico. No we did not use Gov't agencies to supply Mexican drug-lords with guns.
    Gov't when caught: Okay, we ran guns into Mexico - but we were trying to track their movement. It was for the good of the country you silly nillys!


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman