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Some Things You Just Can’t Change: Obama's BC Computer-Generated Forgery

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  • Some Things You Just Can’t Change: Obama's BC Computer-Generated Forgery

    Some Things You Just Can’t Change: Obama's Birth Certificate Computer-Generated Forgery

    Birther Report



    Some Things You Just Can’t Change
    By OPOVV | The Post & Email

    (Jul. 27, 2013) — Cats are dirty animals. Oh, I know what you’re saying, they’re really clean because all they do is groom themselves, but I’m here to tell you that the reason they’re always cleaning themselves is because they’re dirty. They’re really dirty animals and it’s not their fault; it’s just the way it is.

    I had a friend while in the service and he was neat as a pin. His shirts were always clean, starched, and pressed with creases that cut you if you got too close. We’d be working together, doing the same job, and I’d be a total wreck at the end of the day, buttons undone or missing, fingernails dirty, grease and sweat stains, and I’d look as if I’d hadn’t shaved nor brushed my teeth that day, while he looked as if he was on the cover of GQ, neat as can be. I asked him about it once, what his secret was and he said, “No secret. I’m just naturally neat and you’re just a natural slob.”

    Ever since working with my neat friend I’ve made an effort to try and emulate him and, I must say, I’ve achieved some sort of miniscule progress, although strangers would never detect any progress whatsoever. Years ago, when I was a total slob, I voted Democratic, and, yes, I voted for Carter, to my everlasting regret, because when I heard Reagan say, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” I, ashamedly, had to admit to myself I backed the wrong horse.

    Fast-forward to the present day and I finally got religion. If I can see the truth, why can’t others? If I can change a lifetime of being a slob and become less of a slob, why can’t others? If I can see that the Democratic Party has become an enemy of our Constitution, why can’t others? And if I can figure out that Obama is an illegal Muslim immigrant, not even a U.S. citizen, someone who is guilty as all sin as an identity thief, why can’t others? The White House officially released a fraudulent Birth Certificate for a very good reason: they fear the truth getting out, that Barry Soetoro, aka Obama, is nothing more than a Cheap-Suit-Fraud who is ineligible to be employed by the Federal Government in any capacity.

    The Birth Certificate is, in reality, an inconvenient truth, because it’s just as much of a lie as Obama and the whole government. But does an Obot have the ability to change, to improve, to see the Truth through the tapestry of lies and falsehoods that have been woven by this administration and the mainstream media? That, my friends, is the question of the day.

    Is it possible for an Obot to discern the Truth, to change, to improve, to see the Light, to get religion? Only time will tell, and that’s one commodity of which we’re in short supply.

    And then we have our members of the military and police reading these words, and my advice to them is “Don’t let us down,” because we certainly won’t let you down, or anyone else who puts his country and the Constitution above selfish and treasonous activities. -

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    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman