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America’s Third Party: ‘The Wobblies’ -- Canada Free Press, Judi McLeod

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  • America’s Third Party: ‘The Wobblies’ -- Canada Free Press, Judi McLeod

    America’s Third Party: ‘The Wobblies’

    Canada Free Press

    Judi McLeod


    Failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney has the epidemic disease that is taking out many, if not most, politicians of the day: A bad case of the ‘Wobblies’.

    ‘Wobblies’ is the disease that keeps eating away until it destroys whole wobbly politicoes.

    There’s ‘Weepy Wobbly’ House Speaker John Boehner and his gang of vacationing Republicans now hiding in fear from their own constituents’ shadows.

    Senator John McCain is the Poster Boy for politicians plagued by the ‘Wobblies’, but now it turns out that Romney has a life-threatening case of it.

    ‘Wobblies’ have lost the courage they never really had, any zeal for doing the right thing and even their way back home. ‘Wobblies’ go along to get along and hide in pockets provided by the other side becoming Democrats in everything but name.

    The ‘Woeful Wobblies’ is not confined just to America. It thrives in Britain, courtesy of Prime Minister David Cameron and his new political mercenary, Obama henchman Jim Messina.

    When ‘Wobblies’ get up on the podium and talk, members of the public who hear them get physically ill.

    Just thinking of what ‘Mitt-Wobbly-Come-Lately’ said to the New Hampshire GOP fundraiser Tuesday sent countless people looking for both the exit and their antacid.

    “Speaking to a New Hampshire GOP fundraiser, the failed 2012 GOP candidate said he opposes ObamaCare but shunned efforts by conservatives to try to defund it. “I badly want ObamaCare to go away, and stripping it of funds has appeal,” Romney said at the GOP fundraiser, according to The Hill. “But we need to exercise great care about any talk of shutting down government. What would come next when soldiers aren’t paid, when seniors fear for their Medicare and Social Security, and when the FBI is off duty?”

    Romney continued, “I’m afraid that in the final analysis, ObamaCare would get its funding, our party would suffer in the next elections, and the people of the nation would not be happy. I think there are better ways to remove ObamaCare.” (Breitbart, August 6, 2013).

    Who ever thought Mitt would come out of the election sounding more Obama than Obama does?

    “I’m afraid that in the final analysis, ObamaCare would get its funding, our party would suffer in the next elections, and the people of the nation would not be happy”: (emphasis CFP’s).

    Which rabbit hole did you fall into after your failed presidential bid, Mitt, because millions will need a hiding place if things don’t turn around soon in America?

    It’s not as if “the people of the nation WOULD not be happy, they ARE NOT happy, and won’t be so long as President Barack Obama keeps dragging America down.

    Romney, of course, did not offer an alternative solution to stopping ObamaCare.

    Thank goodness it’s not just Tea Party Patriot co-founder Jenny Beth Martin who says, “Romney did not want to fight to repeal ObamaCare while he was on the campaign so it is no surprise he would not fight now”, speaking out.

    Talk about stating the obvious to wobbly-sick America.

    ForAmerica chairman Brent Bozell, known for calling the proverbial spade a spade, came right out saying it would be foolish for Republicans and Conservatives to take political advice from Mitt Romney. “The last person the conservative movement should turn to for winning advice is Mitt Romney, “Bozell said in a statement provided to Breitbart News. “Far from being a hero when it comes to the issue of health care, he foisted RomneyCare on Massachusetts, his own government-run health care scheme. If he had been consistent in opposition to big government, perhaps we wouldn’t be facing a situation where President Obama is threatening to shut down the government if he doesn’t get funding for the ‘train wreck’ that is ObamaCare.”

    Wobbly politicians don’t run when they see a ‘train wreck’ coming down the tracks, they just faint dead-away.

    The only thing Mitt Romney has done for the sick-of-wobbly public is to prove that life would have been no different under his presidency.


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    B. Steadman