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Congressman Jeff Miller Email Released Shows Scheduled Meeting With Team Arpaio

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  • Congressman Jeff Miller Email Released Shows Scheduled Meeting With Team Arpaio

    Outed: Congressman Jeff Miller Email Released Shows Scheduled Meeting With Team Arpaio

    Birther Report



    As PROMISED: Carl Gallups REVEALS dishonest Congressman
    - By PPSIMMONS -


    PPSIMMONS: Congressman Jeff Miller (FL) and Chief of Staff Dan McFaul engage in dishonest and despicable tactics to avoid meeting with Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups in the Obama Fraud Case.

    On May 2, 2013, PPSIMMONS ran a blog story about Carl Gallups and Mike Zullo's trip to CPAC. At that event they arranged a trip to Capitol Hill to meet with Congressmen about the Obama Fraud Case. In one of those meetings, Gallups and Zullo reported that they were present with a congressman and his chief of staff.

    The congressman agreed to have another meeting with both Zullo and Gallups back at the congressman's home state. At that meeting, Zullo was to bring the entire CCP criminal investigation evidence pack and present it to the congressman. The congressman in question suggested that he take the questioned birth document and submit it to "his" examiners as well. A few days later, Gallups reported that he received a disturbing phone call from the congressman's chief of staff. Following is a recap of Gallups' account...


    Gallups related, "After Lt. Zullo and I had made all the necessary arrangements to travel to the Congressman's home state office, I received a call from his Chief of Staff, Dan McFaul. The travel arrangements had been made because the Congressman's booking secretary and his Chief of Staff had engaged in email and telephone conversation with me confirming all the details of the meeting. After the meeting details were made, the Chief of Staff called me and said, 'Congressman Miller will not be able to make the meeting. He will not be able to meet with Lt. Zullo.' When I asked him 'why?' the Chief of Staff responded, 'The Congressman doesn't remember ever making those arrangements. He doesn't remember agreeing to any such meeting.'"

    Gallups indicated that his first reaction was utter shock. "I was flabbergasted," Gallups said. "I had been on the phone and sending and receiving emails for days - directly from the Congressman's office and then the Chief of Staff calls me and says something to the effect of 'we don't remember any such arrangements.' It was utterly astounding. I reminded the Chief of Staff that I possessed the entire email trail, including emails from him. The phone went silent. I don't think he had thought of that. The whole conversation was surreal. I told him that it was surreal. The Chief of Staff never relented on his story - he continually insisted that no such meeting was ever arranged. He would not address the fact that I was in possession of the email chain."

    Gallups (pictured at left) said, "This is the very kind of political shenanigans that Washington does not need. The voters in this Congressman's district need to know the dishonesty of his office and his highly unethical political dealings. The nation needs to know. If the Congressman had simply been forthright and called me up and explained that he had changed his mind and would rather not meet with Zullo and me - I would have not said a public word about it. That would have been his absolute prerogative. I no desire to 'strong-arm' anyone to meet with us. The problem stems from the fact that the Congressman apparently had his Chief of Staff call me and basically call me a 'liar.' I felt as though he was questioning my 'sanity.' That is where he crossed the line with me. I will not be strong-armed either. Nor will I will be told that a conversation never took place that was witnessed by Lt. Zullo, the Congressman, the Chief of Staff and myself and also recorded in official government email and phone conversations."

    When asked if he has heard anything else from the unnamed Congressman Gallups responded, "Not yet. I don't expect to hear from him at this point. He knows I have the emails. He knows I am releasing them. It is all a matter of documented fact. I am not releasing them to 'make' him have a meeting. At this point, I would rather not meet with him. The case is moving along just fine at this point without his input and help. When the case finally comes to light - this particular Congressman and his staff are going to look pretty irrelevant - in my opinion."

    Gallups opined, "You know what is really strange? Since the Congressman was going to be in his home state and at his home office anyway, and since Mike and I were willing to travel there at our own expense and had already made all the arrangements - all the Congressman had to do was to meet with us, hear us out and then tell us something like, "I'll get back with you." He already had the time set aside and it would have cost him nothing. But, to cancel the meeting on the pretense that the meeting was never asked for in the first place - is more than so many ways it was just not the wisest, most discerning thing to do. I think this whole affair speaks badly of the Congressman's overall acumen. I think it also speaks, and this only speculation on my part, of the congressman's "fear" of what he might see and what he might have to deal with at a congressional and legal level. The evidence is overwhelming and has now been peer reviewed by a large number of VIPS around the nation."

    Gallups had this interesting tidbit to add, "You know - just after the meeting with Congressman Jeff Miller on Capitol Hill, he got up to go back to the House Chambers for a vote. I walked him to the door and took his hand as we shook. I looked him in the eye and said, 'Congressman, please tell me that you are dealing honestly here with me. Please tell me that you will keep your promise and meet with me.' He then responded to me, 'Carl, we are good to go.' Not only did he not keep his promise, but he had his staff member call me up and attempt to make believe that the meeting was never arranged. Unbelievable."

    Following is the UN-redacted email chain. This email chain is provided here so that the reader may observe that the Congressman's office was fully aware of the meeting and the planned attendance of Gallups and Zullo.

    EMAIL CHAIN - Highlighted important sections in RED. [...] Continued at PPSIMMONS. Contact Rep. Miller @ (202) 225-4136

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman