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CBS News Goes There: A Harbinger Of Birther Debates To Come; Demand Real Debate

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  • CBS News Goes There: A Harbinger Of Birther Debates To Come; Demand Real Debate

    CBS News Goes There: A Harbinger Of Birther Debates To Come; Demand Real Debate

    Birther Report



    Ted Cruz releases his birth certificate: A harbinger of debates to come?
    By Stephanie Condon @ CBS News

    According to legal scholars, there's not much question that the fact that Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, was born in Canada doesn't disqualify him from running for president.

    "It's pretty clear that he's eligible because he was a citizen at birth," Peter Spiro, a law professor at Temple University who specializes in constitutional and immigration law, told

    University of California, Davis law professor Gabriel Chin agreed "there's no question" that Cruz has been a U.S. citizen from birth.

    In fact, Cruz's eligibility is even more cut-and-dry than Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain's eligibility was in 2008, Chin argues. Still, as Cruz started gaining notoriety within the conservative community, his presidential potential was at times mentioned alongside his ""birther" background. The issue finally reached a point this week where Cruz released his birth certificate (check it out here), as well as a statement saying that his allegiance is with America.

    "The Dallas Morning News says that I may technically have dual citizenship," he said in the statement Monday night. "Assuming that is true, then sure, I will renounce any Canadian citizenship. Nothing against Canada, but I'm an American by birth and as a U.S. Senator, I believe I should be only an American."

    The debate over Cruz's eligibility has been driven in large part by the obvious irony of the situation: Some of his likely supporters are the very same people who persistently questioned President Obama's origins. While there doesn't seem to be any uncertainty about Cruz's eligibility - and there were never any legitimate questions about Mr. Obama, since he was born in Hawaii - the constitutional requirement for the president to be a natural-born citizen may only become more problematic in future elections. [...] - Disinfo Continued @ CBS News. Contact Condon here or here. Demand they report the truth about Obama's ID fraud!

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman