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Fox: The Five Talks Eligibility: Declares Foreign-Born Persons Eligible To Be POTUS

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  • Fox: The Five Talks Eligibility: Declares Foreign-Born Persons Eligible To Be POTUS

    Fox News' The Five Talks Eligibility: Declares Foreign-Born Persons Eligible To Be POTUS

    Birther Report



    AUDIO ...:
    ( Audio via Fox News. )

    Demand The Five stop lying about "natural born Citizen" and report the truth about Obama's ID fraud.

    REMINDER: Fox News Declares Sen. Ted Cruz Ineligible To Be President Due To Birth In Canada - VIDEO ...

    CDR Kerchner left the following spot on comment at another thread:

    "All we constitutionalists want is a fair and open debate on the NBC issue in all the major media with experts on both sides of the issue allowed to make their case without being shouted down, hung up on, or called names and using Saul Alinsky type ridicule to try and silence people on this issue. But they won’t give us the platform in the major media because they know we are correct. We have the facts and truth on our side as to the founders and framers original intent as to the purpose and meaning of why the NBC clause was put into the Constitution. Both political parties want to ignore the true meaning of the NBC clause in the Constitution rather than properly amend the Constitution because they have not been able to do that to date despite trying several times over the last 10-20 years to redefine it or amend it out. The NBC clause is a national security clause requiring the President to have sole allegiance to the USA at birth. Dual Citizens need not apply. People like Cruz, Obama, Jindal, and Rubio were dual Citizens at birth. They are NOT constitutionally eligible to be President! See these pages for more information: here and here."
    (bold and color emphasis added)

    [...] - Full comment by CDR Kerchner (Ret) ....

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman