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Mastermind Behind Benghazi Attack Trained In The U.S. -- Western Journalism

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  • Mastermind Behind Benghazi Attack Trained In The U.S. -- Western Journalism

    Mastermind Behind Benghazi Attack Trained In The U.S.

    The Western Center for Journalism

    Kris Zane


    It is has been widely reported in Egyptian media that one of the leaders in the attack against the Benghazi consulate on September 11, 2012 was Mohsen Al-Azazi.

    According to Ahmed Moussa, a former high ranking intelligence official with the Egyptian government and several other sources, Al-Azazi’s passport was found in the house of Khairat Al-Shater, the Number Two man in the Muslim Brotherhood hierarchy, now under house arrest in Egypt by the Egyptian military.

    But according to an ongoing Egyptian investigation by Egypt’s Supreme State Security Prosecution, Muslim Brotherhood second-in-command Khairat Al-Shater was just tangentially involved in the attack on the Benghazi consulate. The actual mastermind of the attack was a man by the name of Tarek Taha Abu Al-Azm, now in the custody of the Egyptian military.

    In what is reminiscent of the attack on the World Trade Center towers and Pentagon on 9/11, where some of the hijackers reportedly received flight training on U.S. military installations, per Egyptian investigators, Al-Azm, the mastermind of the attack on the Benghazi consulate, took military courses at a U.S. Air Force base.

    Per Muslim Brotherhood researcher Walid Shoebat, citing multiple Arabic news sources, Al-Azm is a seasoned jet fighter pilot and a former Major in the Egyptian Air Force.

    Per Shoebat, translating from a pro-Jihadi website, the Arabian Sword:

    Al-Azm is a former Major in the Egyptian armed forces who graduated from high school and joined the military academy, graduating as an officer of the Armed Forces Officers. Al-Azm traveled to the United States for military courses until he reached the rank of captain and was put in charge of an air base for the Egyptian armed forces.

    Per Shoebat, former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak had jailed Al-Azm for terrorist activities. But when Obama-backed Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi ascended to the presidency, Al-Azm was immediately released.


    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    This info reinforces my belief and advice that all muslims are treacherous , dangerous , hazardous to your health , wealth , life , liberty and pursuit of happiness . There have been many demonstrations by these subversives declaring their intent to control and dominate AMERICA . They are very open and arrogant about this , and " WE THE PEOPLE " had better wake up and stop them . Every mu-slime must be deported our of AMERICA even if they were born here , since we never know which one of them will attack us again , destroy property , rape our women , set off bombs , or commit another " dis-honor " killing of a wife , daughter , or sister . The worst threat to NATIONAL SECURITY is obummer himself , since he has allowed / invited members of the muslim brotherhood into our top secret office of " DEPT. OF INJUSTICE ", HOMELAND " ,INSECURITY " F.B.I. , N.S.A. , AND C.I.A. The truth is that islam is not a religion , but a dangerous , barbaric cult which demands total obedience to the laws of man . The non - prophet mo-ham-head claimed he was visited by an angel , but it was not Gabriel . Lucifer / satan is the fallen angel he met . The name of his false god came from the name of his father ( Abd allah bin al Mutalib . ) There are several very active and important sources which publish the truth about all this : " ATLAS SHRUGS " by Pamela Geller , " ACT FOR AMERICA " by Brigitte Gabriel , " FAMILY SECURITY MATTERS " , " JIHAD WATCH " , and others . Other fighters against islam are Robert Spencer , Geert Wilders , John Bolton , Newt Gingrich , & THE KNIGHTS OF MALTA . ----------- allah fubar -------------

