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Georgia Police Chief Suspended Without Pay Just for Visiting Sheriff Joe Arpaio

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  • Georgia Police Chief Suspended Without Pay Just for Visiting Sheriff Joe Arpaio

    Georgia Police Chief Suspended Without Pay Just for Visiting Sheriff Joe Arpaio

    Obama State Ballot Challenge




    The Grantville, Georgia Police Chief has been suspended for a week – without pay – merely for visiting Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio during his vacation.

    Chief Doug Jordan and his wife planned a recent trip to Arizona to celebrate their wedding anniversary. They had honeymooned there 31 years ago. They paid for the trip and its expenses themselves.

    While there, Jordan thought it would be a great idea to see if he could meet with Arpaio. He was honored when Arpaio agreed to do so.

    “I meet with people from all over the country,” said Arpaio. “I have an open door policy, and he wanted to see me along with his lovely wife. He wanted to pick my brain and was hoping to go back to his home and fight the drug problems there.” Arpaio was a DEA official for 25 years in Argentina, Turkey, Mexico and Arizona; and 20 years fighting Mexican cartels as Maricopa Sheriff, so he knows a thing or two about fighting crime.

    Following their meeting, Jordan expressed his hopes to establish Grantville’s own drug team. He also expressed interest in having some of his officers travel to Arizona for training.

    But as news of this meeting became known, back in Georgia, some creeps started stirring.

    During his comments at the next council meeting, Council member Johnny Cooks shared his lack of support for Jordan’s actions and plans:

    “I was not very pleased by it,” he said. “I was not in support of it. I am not in support of this kind of news by police officers representing the Grantville uniform without the council or city manager’s approval. His representation here and implications of things we are going to be doing in our community is not something that we were aware of.”

    “It ain’t going to happen,” he added. “This story ain’t going to happen if I got anything to do with it.” I guess Mr. Cooks isn’t too keen about effective law enforcement techniques. Or perhaps he employs illegal aliens?

    After a closed personnel session at Monday’s Grantville City Council meeting, Jordan was suspended for a calendar week without pay for violating the city manager’s policy of reporting anything that is not routine. The city council voted 2-1 to suspend Jordan, while 2 of its members, including the mayor himself, were also on vacation.

    The two cowardly Councilmen who voted to suspend this great public servant were Mr. Cooks (EMAIL) and Mr. Barham Lundy (EMAIL). Feel free to email them to let them know you don’t approve of their disgraceful vote against Chief Jordan (keep it G-rated).

    Grantville Mayor Jim Sells (Email) said later that he’s appalled at the action, and fully supports the police chief.

    “I am appalled at the council’s decision to suspend our police chief without pay,” the mayor said in a statement. The mayor vowed to try and restore Jordan’s pay at the next full council meeting.

    You can contact Chief Doug Jordan via Email (HERE), via Facebook, or via phone at 770-583-2266.

    Meanwhile, Sheriff Joe has rallied to Chief Jordan, saying “If I have to fly down to Georgia to defend him, I’ll do it,” he said. “That is how much I support him. He should be rewarded for coming here and asking great questions to help him do his job!”

    View the complete article, including photos, at:
    B. Steadman