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Glenn Beck: Impeach Obama, Boehner, McCain, Graham For Arming Al-Qaeda; It's Treason!

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  • Glenn Beck: Impeach Obama, Boehner, McCain, Graham For Arming Al-Qaeda; It's Treason!

    Glenn Beck: Impeach Obama, Boehner, McCain, Graham For Arming Al-Qaeda; It's Treason!

    Birther Report



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    ( Video via Glenn Beck. )

    Impeachable: President Obama waives law that forbids U.S. from providing ‘aid and comfort’ to the enemy

    Glenn opened the radio program this morning with some very troubling (and bizarre) news that lead him to call for President Obama’s impeachment. Yesterday, the President waived a federal provision specifically designed to prevent the U.S. from supplying arms to terrorist groups in order to begin providing military assistance to the Syrian rebels.

    “Today I come to you with the news that our President actually waived the restriction on countries supplying arms to international terrorists, specifically Al‑Qaeda. And the reason why he waived that is because we’re providing arms to international terrorists, specifically Al‑Qaeda,” Glenn said. “Now, if that isn’t an act of treason, I don’t know what is. If that is not an act of insanity, I don’t know what is.”

    “This isn’t, ‘Well, we don’t know who the terrorists are. We don’t know who the rebels are.’ No, no. Mr. President, you apparently do know exactly who they are because you felt compelled to waive the restriction on arming them,” he continued. “Now, why would you do that? So you can no longer make the case ‘We don’t know who these guys are’ because the President felt compelled to tell us who they are by waiving the restrictions. They’re international terrorists. If that’s not an act of suicide, if that’s not an act finally of the President admitting we’re on the wrong side – when you have to waive the law so you can arm terrorists, you’re on the wrong side.”

    While we know that not all of the rebels are terrorists, arming any faction that includes known terrorists is in direct violation of our federal laws, which is why President Obama was forced to waive the restrictions that prevented such action.
    [...] Continued at Glenn Beck. Hat tip Free Republic.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Judge Andrew Napolitano: What Obama Is Doing Is Treason; Aiding & Abetting Enemy

    Birther Report



    VIDEO ...:
    ( Video via Leonida Sheets. Hat tip ThisObamaNation. )

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:

    B. Steadman

