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For Those Who Don't Believe in Election Fraud -- American Thinker, Jack Cashill

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  • For Those Who Don't Believe in Election Fraud -- American Thinker, Jack Cashill

    For Those Who Don't Believe in Election Fraud

    American Thinker

    Jack Cashill


    "Yes, the Rizzo-Royster race turned on vote fraud," admitted the Kansas City Star's Barbara Shelly in a crow-eating column nearly three years after it would do any good. For years the Star has routinely mocked anyone who dared suggest vote fraud was a problem.

    Among those mocked was Will Royster, a retired Navy fighter pilot who seemingly lost in a northeast Kansas City Democratic primary for state representative in 2010 by the final count of one single vote. The seeming victor, endorsed by the Star, was neophyte J.J. Rizzo, the son of Democratic machine honcho, Henry Rizzo.

    What follows is a letter from a young Democrat Nick Moreno who observed the process up close named. The letter details the various tools Democrats use to steal elections and kill would-be Democratic reformers in the womb. It is edited only for length and clarity.

    Before I start I want to give my Democrat credentials per se because others who have defended Royster have had theirs in question.

    I am a proud Democrat and Latino with a wonderful wife and dog. I was raised in a religious, blue-collar, Midwestern Democratic union home. My dad UAW, my mom CWA.

    In 2008, I worked for President Obama and the DNC in 2008 as 1 of 10 of their DNC-AAO International Regional Field Directors/Consultants. My area was Latin America & Mexico. I was also President of Democrats Abroad Mexico City & Executive Board Member of Democrats Abroad Mexico & Democrats Abroad Latin America.

    I moved back to the United States during the 2010 primary. My brother Chris Moreno was Royster's Campaign Director & Consultant. I wanted to be part of a campaign so after meeting Will and hearing his message, his resume and his character/values, and having a chat with his awesome mother, I gladly volunteered for him.

    I have never been so proud of a campaign candidate in Mr. Royster, a director/consultant in Chris Moreno, and an aide in Adam Schieber. While life experiences have made me much more liberal than both my brother, my family, Mr. Royster and Mr. Schieber, it was clear after meeting Will and seeing their passion for that district in action, he was the right guy at the right time for Northeast; and it was clear everyone knew it.

    That said, the campaign changed my outlook on a lot of things politically. It was the most disgusting display of politics and leadership on the part of Democrats & elected officials I have ever seen in any country. In 2010, The Missouri & Jackson County Democratic Party elected & leadership (not the voters) shamed the national party and continue to do so up to this very day.

    I was 1 of 2 of Will's witnesses at the Kansas City Election Board the night the Royster Rizzo results came in. As you may be aware, election results are made available to the witnesses in the room about 5-10 minutes before made available to the public via internet using a computer in the witness room so the witnesses can see it published.

    Before the witnesses in the room even had a chance to see the results, Henry Rizzo sent a text to J.J. Rizzo's representative, which he read out loud to the lady he was with, stating "Johnny Joe wins by 10. JJ is in."

    I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was even more struck when the results were given to the witnesses and the first reading of results had John Rizzo victorious by 10 votes over Will Royster.

    I was in the room during many of the Sunshine Requests made by my brother and Mr. Schieber as well as Mr. Royster, including when they requested the list of voters, which by law is supposed to be released but was deliberately held until the evidence deadline for the appeals trial passed.

    The way those guys were treated was unbelievable. In many instances Kansas City Election Board (KCEB) workers leaked to the Rizzo campaign that they were at the office and [a friendly] blog had posts up attacking Royster, Schieber and my brother Chris Moreno before we even left the building. Important to note the KCEB Chair at that time, Shelley McThomas, is ex-wife of Mark Bryant, former Freedom Inc. head who is very close to Henry Rizzo & Rev. Tindall.

    More importantly, I was in the room during the recount. I found the first unsigned ballots. Adam found more as did 2 of Will's lawyers. When you find errors in the ballots the count is supposed to stop. The KCEB refused to stop the counting definitely allowing more illegal ballots to be counted or passed through without detection.

    .................................................. ...........

    View the complete article at:
    B. Steadman