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Lois Lerner’s lawyers negotiating with Oversight Committee on immunity

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  • Lois Lerner’s lawyers negotiating with Oversight Committee on immunity

    Lois Lerner’s lawyers negotiating with Oversight Committee on immunity

    The Daily Caller

    Patrick Howley


    IRS scandal figure Lois Lerner is negotiating through her lawyers with Rep. Darrell Issa’s House Oversight and Government Reform Committee about possibly gaining immunity to testify again in the committee’s investigative hearings.

    “The Chairman did not adjourn the hearing, he recessed it. Ms. Lerner remains under subpoena. The Committee has not made any offer of immunity to Ms. Lerner. The Committee has, however, indicated a willingness to listen to any offers from her attorney about what she would testify to if it was offered,” Oversight Committee adviser Ali Ahmad told The Daily Caller.

    “I don’t have any update for you on timing,” Ahmad said in regard to when Lerner will be called back before the committee.

    Though Lerner, who apologized for her IRS division’s improper scrutiny of conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status, can be called back before Issa’s committee without immunity, and even arrested if she doesn’t show up, Oversight seems to be taking a more diplomatic approach to get information out of her.

    Washington-based Lerner tried to plead the Fifth to avoid self-incrimination in congressional testimony in May, but the Oversight Committee ruled that she waived her Fifth Amendment rights when she said “I have not broken any laws” before attempting her plea.


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    B. Steadman