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So what is Cruz's strategy? -- WND, Garth Kant

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  • So what is Cruz's strategy? -- WND, Garth Kant

    So what is Cruz's strategy?

    See how senator plans to derail Obamacare


    Garth Kant


    WASHINGTON — Critics accuse Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, of having no real plan to defund Obamacare and say he’s just grandstanding to promote himself and his career.

    But the senator went to great lengths to spell out a highly detailed “multi-stage” strategy he said has been in the works for months, and WND was there when he revealed it to a small group of reporters in a conference call Thursday.

    Cruz made it evident he is motivated by one fact.

    “Three-and-a-half years ago, people could reasonably disagree on whether Obamacare might work,” he said. “Today, it is now clear to any objective observer that Obamcare isn’t working.”

    The senator hoped his 21-hour speech supporting the defunding of Obamacare would help focus the debate on the plight of the American people.

    “For a long time, elected politicians in both parties in Washington have not been listening to their constituents.”

    Although he sounded a bit weary and soft spoken the day after his marathon speech, he also appeared optimistic, because, he said, “Any senator who listens to his or her constituents on Obamacare, who hears the pleas for help, as people are losing their jobs or being forced into part-time work, or losing their health insurance … will vote now to defund Obamacare.”

    Then he spelled out his plan.

    Energize the grassroots

    Cruz said his first step, “back in July and August, was to energize and mobilize the American people, and so I spent much of the month of August touring the state of Texas, touring the country, working to energize grassroots activists.”

    He said that has now paid off with more than 1.8 million Americans signing his online petition to defund Obamacare.

    Pass bill defunding Obamacare

    The second step was for the House of Representatives to pass a continuing resolution defunding Obamacare.

    “Just a couple of weeks ago, almost every political commentator in Washington said that was impossible — the House was not going to do that,” Cruz reminded reporters.

    “Last Friday, the House voted overwhelmingly to defund Obamacare using the continuing resolution. And they did so, because the grassroots were united. They did so because House conservatives stood strong. And they did so because House leadership, to their credit, listened to the American people and voted to defund Obamacare.”

    Unite and conquer

    Cruz explained the battle has now reached a third stage in the Senate, “where two things have to happen.”

    The first is to unite Republicans.

    “The second thing that has to happen is we have to start picking off Democrats,” he explained.

    The problem is, “Until we unite Republicans, we will not succeed in picking off any Democrats.”

    He continued, “Right now, by all appearances, Senate Republican are not united. As long as Senate Republicans are divided, as long as they are Sentate Republicans publicly saying they’re gonna vote with Harry Reid on cloture, no Senate Democrat is going to break with their party.”

    Key turning point

    Cruz said everything hinges right now on the next vote in the Senate, which will come Friday or Saturday.

    That’s a vote on cloture, a proposal to cut off debate, and it will determine whether there will be a 50- or a 60-vote threshold for making changes to the bill.

    If it passes, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., could easily add language to the bill restoring funding for Obamacare, because he would need only 50 votes.

    Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky, would need to get only 41 out of 46 Republican senators to vote to block cloture, but he announced Monday he does not support the effort.

    McConnell and other establishment Republicans fear they would take the blame for any government shutdown, even though the House bill is specifically designed to force Democrats to be the ones to shut down the government, should they refuse to defund Obamacare.

    Cruz said the key is unifying Senate Republicans before that cloture vote.

    “If we see 41 Republicans standing together on cloture, the Senate continues to debate the bill,” he explained. “Now, at that point, once Republicans are united, the pressure, I believe, will begin to focus on Democrats, and, in particular, red state Democrats.”

    Pick off Democrats

    Cruz pointed out there are seven Democrat seats up for re-election in 2014 that were red states. Mitt Romney won in six of those seven, and Barack Obama got 42 percent of the vote, or less.

    The senator mused, if the GOP can win the cloture vote, “the focus, I believe, will shift heavily to those red state Democrats. And if you’re a (Sens.) Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) or a Mary Landrieu (D-La.) and you start getting 5,000 or 10,000 or 50,000 calls from your constituents, that changes the calculus significantly.”

    However, Cruz saw none of those red-state Democrats flipping as long as Republicans remain divided.

    “Every Republican who throws at rocks at the effort to defund Obamacare is ensuring that no Democrat will cross the aisle,” he said.

    Back to the House

    However, if the GOP does win the cloture vote, the Texan believes the House would play a critical role in what happens next.

    “If we defeat cloture, and Harry Reid digs in and will not allow the Senate to move forward on any continuing resolution that defunds Obamacare, then I believe the House is in a position to stand its ground and to begin passing smaller continuing resolutions focusing on our most critical priorities,” he said.

    And that first bill, Cruz insisted, should be one “that simply funds the military, that does nothing else, that doesn’t mention Obamacare. It simply says, ‘We’re going to fund the men and women in the military’ and send that over to the Senate.”

    Call Reid’s bluff

    Cruz suggested it will “speak volumes” if Reid is willing to kill smaller continuing resolutions “because he is so determined to force Obamacare on the American people.”

    “In my view, it would be utterly indefensible for Harry Reid to explicitly refuse to fund the men and women in the military because he wants leverage to force Obamacare on the American people,” he said.

    That could also turn up the pressure on red-state Democrats who hesitate to jump ship immediately but might feel the heat as time goes by.


    View the complete article at:
    Last edited by bsteadman; 09-27-2013, 05:40 PM.
    B. Steadman

  • #2
    Free Republic is running a thread titled, 'CNS News: House Members in Open Revolt', which was started 9/27/2013 by 'cotton1776'

    The thread references a 9/27/2013 Brietbart News article that cites a CNS news article -

    View the complete Free Republic thread at:


    CNS News: House Members in Open Revolt ^ | 9/27/13 | breitbart news

    Posted on Friday, September 27, 2013 8:33:19 AM by cotton1706

    CNS News is reporting that a group of 21 House members have sent a letter to all GOP Senators, warning them against a cloture vote on the Continuing Resolution. A vote on cloture would give Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) the ability to remove the defunding Obamacare provision included in the CR. The House conservatives who signed the letter stated that they consider a cloture vote the same as a vote in support of Obamacare. “it is highly likely that Majority Leader Harry Reid will move to amend the House-passed CR and remove the language from the bill that defunds Obamacare before sending it back to the House.

    “As you are also aware,” the conservatives wrote, “such a motion can only proceed if three-fifths of the Senate invokes cloture and allows this amendment process to begin. Simply put, the only chance that Senator Reid has to pursue this course of action is if six or more Republican Senators join the Democrats in voting to invoke cloture.

    “Therefore,” the House conservatives said to every Republican senator, “it shall be our policy to regard any cloture vote that gives Senator Reid a green light to reinstate Obamacare into this CR the same as a vote for Obamacare itself.”


    Signers of the letter include: Dave Schweikert (R.-AZ), Charles Boustany, M.D. (R.-LA ), John Culberson (R.-TX ), Steve King (R.-IA), Ted Yoho DVM (R.-FL ), Thomas Massie (R.-KY), Lynn Westmoreland (R.- GA), Jack Kingston (R.-GA), Jeff Duncan (R.-SC), Paul Broun M.D. (R.-GA ), Ron DeSantis (R.-FL), Michele Bachmann (R.-MN), Matt Salmon (R.-AZ), Steve Stockman (R.-TX), Louie Gohmert (R.-TX), Walter Jones (R.-NC), Scott Garrett (R.-NJ), Scott Perry (R.-PA), Mark Meadows (R.-NC), Tim Huelskamp (R.-KS).

    Signatures are still being gathered.
    B. Steadman


    • #3
      Breaking News: McConnellcare: The Vote

      Tea Party Nation Forum

      Judson Phillips


      The vote for cloture in the United States Senate is over. Now the Democrats will move to ensure there is funding for the McConnellcare act as we are now calling the Affordable Care Act (Also once known as Obamacare).

      The vote was 79-19 for cloture. There are 46 Republicans in the Senate. Only 19 of them stood up for America.

      Those who stood up for America were:




      The rest, including Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, John McCain, Lamar Alexander, Bob Corker and Lindsay Graham are all despicable RINOs.

      None of them deserve reelection.

      Mitch McConnell said this today: “Here in the Senate, we're united on the need to repeal Obamacare, we want to replace it with sensible, bipartisan reforms that will actually work, and in a few minutes each and every one of us will vote against funding Obamacare. The American people want this law repealed. Republicans want it repealed. I wouldn't be surprised if a number of our Democratic colleagues secretly want it repealed as well. The problem here is that we can't get that done unless some of our friends on the other side are prepared to step up and work with us on the issue because there are 54 of them and 46 of us. This doesn't mean we'll give up the fight if they don't. We won't.”

      You’re not going to give up the fight? When the hell did you start to fight? The answer is you didn’t. You sold America out. You wanted to just get along with your friends in Washington and ignore the will of the people. You have your gold-plated insurance coverage, so you said to hell with the rest of America.

      When only 19 Republican Senators will vote to stop Obamacare, something is really wrong. The Republican Party, at least nationally is a joke. There are a few good men and women, like Ted Cruz. Unfortunately the Party is dominated by RINOs like Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, John McCain, Lamar Alexander, Bob Corker and John Cornyn. Therefore the GOP is less than useless.

      For every Republican who voted for cloture, you voted for McConnellcare.

      It is yours.

      Own it!

      View the complete post at:
      B. Steadman


      • #4
        Senator Ted Cruz: A man for the People and a Country in extreme Jeopardy

        Canada Free Press

        Sher Zieve


        The fear and hatred of Ted Cruz now exploding from the Left for this singularly brilliant and courageous man in the US Congress is matched and exceeded only by the patent disdain and loathing from the fearful, dull and testicularly-challenged Republican “leadership.”

        The good senator is now being vilified both in Congress and by those who hold “commentator” positions in the always-left-wherever-one-looks inaptly-named “mainstream” media. Note: Hmmm. As I recall, the same thing happened to Ronald Reagan.

        During his 21 hour and 18 minute dissertation to the American people and his own colleagues, Cruz ably defended his position against (despite the illegal and unconstitutional shenanigans of the now-disgraced SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts’ rewrite of the ObamaCare bill so that he could support it) ObamaCare’s removal of natural rights by quoting from the United States Constitution, the writings of the original intent of liberties (both economic and social) and empowerment for the people of this land by our ancestral founding fathers and mothers and even read from an outstanding essay “
        The Americans Who Risked Everything” written by the father of Rush Limbaugh. Cruz brought this information to the forefront. This is information on our US history that US Government schools no longer teach and, in fact, actively suppress from being taught to school children. Said teaching of actual factual and truthful events was replaced decades ago by a Marxist/anti-American/anti-liberty indoctrination system that now even includes the insidious anti-educative programs referred to as “Common Core.”

        Ted Cruz was joined by a few of his colleagues who assisted him by asking pertinent questions on the Senate floor. These few included Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). Cruz was, later, joined by Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) and, briefly, by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).

        As of this morning, Sen. Cruz is still being belittled, denigrated and disparaged by the now fully-out-of-the-closet ObamaGov US Communist press, Democrats and RINOs in Congress. Democrats and Communists hate this man. That’s understood. Neither of those groups support either the truth or those who tell it. RINOs, however, despise Senator Cruz because, by telling said truth, he brings their own short-comings—if not abject corruption—into the light of day…so all can see. Those of the Sen. John McCain ilk came out of that faux conservative and anti-US Republic long ago. However, for those who followed and supported the ever-bombastic, pro-Islam and, apparently, pro-ObamaCare Rep. Peter King (R-NY) it has come as a bit of a shock. But, then, King has hinted he may run for POTUS in 2016. An honorable and extraordinary man like Sen. Ted Cruz must scare him almost to distraction. But, then Sen. Cruz is scaring a lot of the political “elite” ruling class these days…by speaking the truth and making certain the American people understand it.


        View the complete article at:
        B. Steadman

