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Judge Me: Obama Best Friend Arrested For Brutal Rape & False Imprisonment

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  • Judge Me: Obama Best Friend Arrested For Brutal Rape & False Imprisonment

    Judge Me: Obama Best Friend Arrested For Brutal Rape & False Imprisonment

    Birther Report



    Obama: Judge Me By The People Who Surround Me; Obama Pal Keith Kakugawa Busted For Brutal Rape

    Guest Post by Mara Zebest

    After spending most of his early years growing up in Indonesia attending a Muslim Madrasa, Obama’s mother sent Obama to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. Keith Kakugawa was a close friend during his high school years and referred to as “Ray” in Obama’s book “Dreams From My Father”. Recently, Keith Kakugawa was arrested in California on charges of brutally raping and beating a woman.

    Moonbattery reminds everyone of the following:
    Quoth the Lightworker: “Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.” The caliber of those people has been remarkably consistent throughout his life.

    The NYPost reports the following:
    President Obama’s best friend in high school has been arrested in California on charges he brutally raped and beat a woman.

    Keith Kakugawa, who played the role of an older brother to Obama when they were growing up in Hawaii, allegedly attacked the woman in her apartment after going out to dinner with her on Sept. 13.

    Following an investigation by police from Arcata, Calif., Kakugawa, 54, was charged with false imprisonment, sexual penetration by force, oral copulation by force and battery. He is being held on $400,000 bond.

    Obama wrote about Kakaguwa, whom he called “Ray,” in his memoir “Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.”

    Kakugawa, two years older, became friends with Obama when the future president was a 9th grader. Obama praised his “warmth and brash humor.”

    In recent years Kakugawa has had a series of run-ins with the law. He was arrested on May 7 for assault, according to the Humboldt County (Calif.) Sheriff’s Office.

    The DailyMail has more on Obama and Keith’s history—especially the cocaine use:
    The 54-year-old has been in and out of prison, mainly for possession and dealing of cocaine, and spent some time living on the streets due to alcohol and drug problems.

    [...] Kakugawa is being held on $400,000 bond and if convicted, faces a lengthy prison sentence.

    A source close to the former Wall Street trader told the Enquirer this may lead him to reveal his stories about the President.

    ‘Keith knows a lot of secrets that could prove to be embarrassing for the commander-in-chief if they get out,’ he said.

    ‘They are mostly youthful indiscretions, but he would know more about Obama’s teenage drug-taking than anyone. And now that he’s really desperate and facing a lengthy prison stretch, he could spill the beans.‘

    And the hits just keep on coming… Independent Journal Review adds this tidbit:
    A year previous, Kakugama claimed in a book he was trying to market, that “Barry” told him he wanted to convert to Islam in High School. [...]

    From a cached version of his website, Kakugawa had this to say about Obama:

    Barry and I were in the Academy’s large school library one Wednesday afternoon. He picked up a Malcolm X book and said that he’d thought about maybe becoming a Muslim.

    I said, “Hold on, man. What you gonna do? You don’t know the first thing about being a Muslim.What are you going to do, change your name?”

    He said, “Well, my name is Barack Hussein Obama.”

    Hmm … Hussein, huh?

    A reminder of the registration record for Obama (a.k.a. ”Barry Soetoro”) from his Indonesian school in Jakarta. The registration lists Obama as an Indonesian citizen (which you have to be to attend the school) and Obama’s religion as “Islam”.

    - By Mara Zebest. Also posted @ TheGatewayPundit -

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman