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You've Been Had: Court Ruling Proves Birthers Right; @ The Patriot Factor

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  • You've Been Had: Court Ruling Proves Birthers Right; @ The Patriot Factor

    You've Been Had: Court Ruling Proves Birthers Right; @ The Patriot Factor

    Birther Report



    The first excerpts were taken from an op-ed that was published yesterday at The Patriot Factor titled: Both Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are eligible to be President or Vice-President; - But Obama is not.
    “No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”

    Now reread these words very carefully again, “No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution...” “At the time of the Adoption of this Constitution...” This again is a key phrase that allows both Cruz and Rubio to be the Republican nominee for either position.

    Let me again explain...the requirement to be ‘natural born’ was an attempt to alleviate the fears that foreign aristocrats might immigrate to the new nation...the United States of America...and use their wealth and influence, and power to impose a monarchy upon the people, a monarchy, the very rule of government that the Founders were opposed to.

    So to make sure this did not happen, as they were laying the foundations of the laws of our land that would became our Constitution, the Founders made it clear that at the time of the “Adoption of this Constitution” that no one NOT born on United States soil would be eligible to become President, because they feared that England might still try to destroy the emerging nation from within by ‘planting’ a person of their choosing within the emerging ranks of leaders.

    Breaking it down even further, this phrase uses the term ‘natural born’ in context only to the time in which the Constitution was being adopted and makes NO reference to ‘natural born’ in context to later years. [...]

    The indisputable fact is that Ted Cruz's mother, Eleanor Darragh, was born and raised in the Delaware...did NOT go to Canada until her mid-to late 20s. and did NOT have Ted until into her 30's...way beyond the mandatory 5-year-post-age-14 residency requirement.

    And herein lies Barack HUSSEIN Obama's problems for whether he was born in Kenya as some claim or whether he was born in Hawaii as others claim...his American citizen mother did NOT reside in the U.S. for 5 years after age 14 as she was 18 years of age when Obama was born...only 4 years after reaching the mandatory 14 years of age...and Obama was born in 1964 so he comes under the same rules of law as Ted Cruz does.

    This simple fact makes Barack HUSSEIN Obama ineligible to be President NO matter which side of the 'birther' vs 'non-birther' battle one is on.[...] Full Op-Ed @ The Patriot Factor.

    Obama DOB 1964? The highlighted portion is the only part that is correct. The rest is complete rubbish.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman