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This is gonna hurt! Some Americans seeing RED over ObamaCare premiums and deductibles

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  • This is gonna hurt! Some Americans seeing RED over ObamaCare premiums and deductibles

    This is gonna hurt! Some Americans seeing RED over ObamaCare premiums and deductibles...

    Patriot Action Network

    Darla Dawald, National Director


    Nancy Pelosi's famous line about passing ObamaCare so that we can know what's in it is finally coming true for Americans. People are learning first hand that ObamaCare is less about caring for their health and affordability of insurance and more about power and political posturing.

    I know, I know, we tried to tell Americans for the past 5 years to no avail. We are the mean conservatives, GOP, and tea party trying to take from the poor while giving to the rich according to the rhetoric and lies coming from the Democratic party, namely Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Unfortunately, the same narrative is playing out on news forums, Facebook, Twitter and anywhere else that Democrats spend time.

    Today, several articles are telling the real story of signing up or attempting to obtain a quote on the costs to cover individuals and or their family. This is basically a followup story to the Fallout from ObamaCare piece I did earlier in the week.

    ABC15 reports from Arizona:
    Fountain Hills man dropped from health insurance because of new regulations

    Michael Cerpok, is a high school drop-out, one of six kids born to a school teacher, and doesn’t come from a wealthy family. He has run two businesses for more than 25 years and says he may have to do more to literally stay alive.

    “I've worked hard because I've had to, and I’ve had to, because cancer runs in my family," says Cerpok, who picked his current health insurance based on that family history. His monthly premium is just about half of his monthly take-home pay.

    Back in 2006, he found out he had an incurable form of leukemia that requires ongoing treatment until he dies.

    In 2012, his treatment bill was more than $350,000. But because of his insurance, his out-of-pocket was only $4,500.

    That’s about to change because Michael just got a letter from his insurance carrier saying as of January 1, he would be dropped from coverage because of new regulations under Obamacare. His doctor at the Mayo Clinic may be gone as well.

    "Now it doesn't mean I can't go see my current doctor, but my $4,500 out-of-pocket, is going to turn into a minimum of $26,000 out-of-pocket to see the doctor that I’ve been seeing the last seven years," he said.


    I have been searching forums to find other stories about how this ridiculous law is affecting people. I have removed their names.
    I'm college educated working middle class!! Have always had insurance and have my family coverage dropped, so this is as about as important as it could be to me!! My family insurance now costs me 27% more in premiums or I have to be willing to roll the dice and be willing to foot the bill from lesser coverage! That's what Obamacare did for me

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    B. Steadman