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Epic Debate: Senate Candidate; Republicans Finally Standing Up To Tyrant Obama

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  • Epic Debate: Senate Candidate; Republicans Finally Standing Up To Tyrant Obama

    Epic Debate: Senate Candidate; Republicans Finally Standing Up To Tyrant Obama

    Birther Report



    Video: US Senate Candidate Steve Lonegan (R-NJ): Constitution Doesn't Carry Much Weight With Obama Admin; I'm Proud Republicans Are Finally Standing Up To This Tyrant (Obama);

    ( Video via @ iizthatiiz. )

    American Thinker has an article on Steve Lonegan's battle against Cory Booker and the Obama machine, ....

    FULL VIDEO: [ 2nd debate ]
    ( Video )

    FULL VIDEO: [ 1st debate ]
    ( Video )

    NJ special election is being held Oct. 16th. Mr. Lonegan's campaign website is ...:

    ( Video )

    October 12th, 2013 - New Egypt, NJ - Governor Sarah Palin spoke at today's [8/12] campaign rally for New Jersey republican senate candidate, Steve Lonegan. Sponsored by the Tea Party Express, the event was held at the New Egypt Speedway. - iizthatiiz.

    The Free Patriot: Is Booker Ineligible for the Senate?

    Charles Johnson, an independent reporter, recently visited Newark to find out if the mayor actually lives there. Booker lists two properties he owns as disclosure forms require that he list every property he has at least a $1,000 interest in. Johnson conducted interviews with people who live near both residences and recorded the conversations.

    Booker is running for the US senate from New Jersey, to fill the seat left vacated with the death of Frank Lautenberg. The election is just days away on October 16th. But neighbors aren’t convinced that Booker lives at either address.

    Johnson told the Blaze that Booker is registered to vote using 435 Hawthorne Avenue as his address, but residents who were taped claim that Booker is never there. Cassandra Dock, who was a census worker in 2010, said that she knows that Booker does not live on Hawthorne, because when she went there, it was a police station.

    [...] Continued @ The Free Patriot.

    View the complete Birther Report presentation at:
    B. Steadman